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Chicago WX

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Everything posted by Chicago WX

  1. If it rips there like here, it’ll stick. Roads are total trash.
  2. Super impressive rates. Out on my route and visibility is about a block/block and a half at times.
  3. Started as 5 minutes of pingers, and then all snow. Coming down pretty good right now. Some decent size flakes in there too.
  4. Just ban the dude. He’s being willfully stupid now.
  5. Where are we going to put all this snow?
  6. Yes, I live in the city. Southwest side. My storm total was 10.3". That's doing 6-hour measurements, to the best I can, which I've always done. I noticed you guys have a map on the website this morning, that accurately captures the storm. Kudos.
  7. Last gasp snow still snowing decently here. Measured the snow on my backyard bar (concrete top) and it had 9.5" on it. That's untouched since the storm began. So total storm total has surpassed dd's, considering compaction/settling. Finally, the drought is over, lol. And a minor rant, which vortex probably shares, but the few local observers around really don't know what the f*ck they're doing with snow measurements. Always some nonsensical amounts. One county CoCoRAHS observer reported 2.7" of snow on 0.71" precip this morning at 5:00 AM. The storm was 99% snow. And the ratios certainly weren't that sh*tty.
  8. Lol, it still going. No final yet, but approaching 9” storm total. Finally got my driveway completely shoveled out, and now off to the backyard...so the dogs can find a place to “go”.
  9. Who knew this was going to be a 30+ hour snowstorm (first to last flake)? Coming down rather hot here right now. Loving it. And great pic Alek. And everyone for that matter.
  10. Measured 7.3" here. Got about half the driveway shoveled. It's not wet snow per se, but pretty dense. Snow picking back up now too. Looks like the HRRR, RAP, and NAM's want to put down another 2-4" today. Need the top to verify...but dd's in play.
  11. Yes sir. Done well here so far. Back to ripping now. Stack 'em.
  12. If you can believe it, we actually switched to sleet/heavily rimed small flakes for about 15 minutes. Back to all snow now. I was curious to see how much we picked in the hour since my last measurement, and we had 1.4". So, not too shabby.
  13. Totally missed this. What's up my friend? Long time, no chat. Congrats on the thunder!
  14. Just measured 2.2”. Rip city continues. My dogs are loving it.
  15. Clean snowstorms don't exist in Indiana. You know that. But yeah, so many storms...so many starts with s****.
  16. Pounding snow here right now. Better sized flakes getting mixed in too.
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