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Everything posted by doncat

  1. That storm managed to slip to my sw again...just 0.02" rain. Was under a severe t storm warning and a flood advisory.
  2. Missed that storm to my south, but down to 85/69 now off a high of 98°.
  3. I did...it looks to coincide with what my vantage reads. Within a degree or so anyway.
  4. Not really sure...I think that the pws seem to record higher dews, so that's the difference in the heat index values....Grain of salt.
  5. Lol that brings back memories when I was a kid and would tell my mom not to put the sprinkler hear my thermo until nighttime.
  6. Just managed to get to 79° here. Just got home, man its uncomfortable.
  7. 93/ 77... Looks like 93 will do it for high after 70 am low temp.
  8. 91/78 here....Little cooler to the east with a south wind.
  9. That heavy rain danced around me this evening...0.30" for day.
  10. Don't recall seeing such an extensive "excessive heat warning" issued before.
  11. Still socked in 75/75... 0.18" rain since midnight. Yesterday's split was 94/73 with 1.64" rain.
  12. Up to 1.43" so far... Still finds a way to rain even in a relatively dry pattern. Love high heat and heavy rains.
  13. Quick 1.00" here with some nice thunder and lightning...Also at low for day of 75 degrees, high of 94.
  14. I sometimes wonder that about my station which is surrounded on three sides by woods.
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