The urban heat island has always been there as long as there have been cities...but of course it is expanding as we continue to develop. Not much you can do about it I guess as people need places to live as the population increases. For some reason it seems to me to be downplayed when talking about our increasing temps. I see it here as my temps here on si can be 10-15° lower at times than the urban areas.
Remember the time of year it is, so even a temp in the upper 80's, would be the equivalent of a 100° reading in July, departure wise. Temps over 90° would be impressive indeed.
Like the article states...before the Nam is discontinued, improvements to the gfs etc. need to be made. I agree with the strengths of the nam that are mentioned, and find it most accurate for 2m temps.
Really no signs of dryness around here...Got in on some of the heavier rains earlier in the month so 2.11" for the month...and with 70" the preceding 12 months, things look ok.
Yeah I count four out of the last ten as below normal...thats the Dec-Feb period...if you want to extend winter thru Mar, the number may be higher with the cold Marches the last several years.