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Everything posted by doncat

  1. Side streets are really icy...saw no signs of any salt laid down...puzzling.
  2. 2" here...Temp 30° mostly freezing rain. Temps today went from 19° am low, to 29° before the snow started, then back down to 23°, now back up to 30°.
  3. Be nice to have a cold Feb...the last two were very mild...Loved 2015.
  4. Not only mild this month but quiet too... Even with this upcoming event, not a lot of precip... Will put most stations near an inch for the month so far and not much showing up in the medium to long range, as of now.
  5. Generally looks to be 0.50" - 0.70" per the euro.
  6. Keep in mind that QPF is only 0.30" - 0.50" from Cent. Jersey thru LI.....
  7. Yeah last below freezing min here was on the 10th...At least the cold Will come back for a few days starting tonight.
  8. Bad definitive posts will usually come back to bite you.
  9. For a winter month, I don't think that you could have a more boring first two weeks... +9° temp departure... 0.46" of precip and 1" of snow. I'm not an all snow guy, so give me cold Temps and some stormieness and I'm ok...but geez come on.
  10. Yeah that winter my station had 3.2" thru March 17th, then 10" thereafter.
  11. Whole system is drying up for us, regardless of type...only around 0.50" or so now on euro...been a dry month.
  12. Love those old posts...Yes some have had a long downplaying career.
  13. The problem is some posters are just a broken record...same thing every post. Ever notice how with some, you know what they posted even before you read it lol.. It's amazing how well that works for some.
  14. I only wish that ignored posters posts didn't show up when someone quotes them.
  15. Back up to 64° here currently...Tomorrow will see temps dropping towards the 30's by midnight avoiding an even greater departure.
  16. 53/28 temp split here on Friday....Record highs for Sat. and Sun. are 60 and 66 during 42 year period.
  17. 32° for the high today after am low of 22°....Pressure got to 30.76".
  18. I love it all...not just snow. Having your own weather station in your backyard, which I have had since I was ten...makes it all the more enjoyable. I have my own stats, my own normals.
  19. Some of the guidance was very good with that dry wedge cutting thru the city...No measurable precip here...Just a T.
  20. Already the first 6 days of the month with a +7.4° departure...that will decrease some the next few days, then well you know.
  21. Exactly an inch down at 3am...Started to pick up again.
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