Not only mild this month but quiet too... Even with this upcoming event, not a lot of precip... Will put most stations near an inch for the month so far and not much showing up in the medium to long range, as of now.
For a winter month, I don't think that you could have a more boring first two weeks... +9° temp departure... 0.46" of precip and 1" of snow. I'm not an all snow guy, so give me cold Temps and some stormieness and I'm ok...but geez come on.
The problem is some posters are just a broken record...same thing every post. Ever notice how with some, you know what they posted even before you read it lol.. It's amazing how well that works for some.
I love it all...not just snow. Having your own weather station in your backyard, which I have had since I was ten...makes it all the more enjoyable. I have my own stats, my own normals.