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Everything posted by doncat

  1. Feb 2017 and 2018 were mild, some stations did hit 80° in 2018...last Feb was about 1° above normal only, my station got to 65° max.
  2. The only good thing so far for me is that Dec, at least the first three weeks was ok with some snow and cold....got to enjoy the winter feel leading up to Christmas.
  3. Where we end up Feb temp wise remains to be seen, but with 40 years of records, the last two Febs were my warmest on record...hate to make it three straight.
  4. January finished here as follows.... Mean temp. 37.2° is 5th warmest, Precip. 1.88" is 3rd driest, snowfall of 2.8" is 6.6" below normal. Good riddance!
  5. Don't know what station you're using, but low temps last 6 winters here on SI .... 2, 0, -1, 11, 2, 1 .
  6. We also have to break out of this dry pattern we've gotten into this month...which looks to continue thru the first week of February.
  7. Lots of low clouds last few days keeping temps up at night...Another crud day with a 44/35 temp split.
  8. Dry also this month... The 1.86" of precip. here will be the 3rd lowest past 40 years.
  9. Alaska...Fairbanks. -13° temp departure this month... -21.2 mean temp.
  10. At least we had a pretty normal Dec temp and snowfall wise, for many of us. Some stations had record precip. totals....This month though, forget it...on all fronts.
  11. Loved Feb 2015...Station mean temp of 21.8° , 2nd only to Jan 1977 for cold...Snowfall was a little above normal at 14" but with the cold, it was plenty.
  12. Another mind numbing weather week coming up...when the biggest news is temps falling well down in the 20's by Thurs.....
  13. Yeah have had 11 days here that failed to hit freezing...that's alot for January.
  14. Just an awful winter month...Yesterday's storm was probably the biggest event of the month.
  15. 22° here currently...managed to drop the temp departure to +6° with the recent colder weather, big whoops. Just 0.88" total precip....so mild, dry= boring.
  16. 38/18 temp split today...dropping quickly tonght down to 26° currently.
  17. Low temp here on Tues was 17°...radiating well this am at 20° ...Not much, but nothing else to talk about.
  18. Same here...this may be our coldest reading for the month, which is pretty feeble for January.
  19. Even here in suburbia have only managed a 19° this month.
  20. As predicted not a lot of precip fell... 0.33" here was total LE...Still less than an inch for the month...Snow 2.0" and a 35/19 temp split.
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