Final Feb and winter stats for my station...Feb mean temp of 38.3° is 7th warmest on record ( 43 years ). Snowfall of a Trace, ties with 1998. Precip was normal with 3.06".... Met winter was 5th warmest with a measly 6.8" of snow. Precip was above normal at 13.20" due to a record wet Dec.
Yeah agree...As I get older those big 20 inchers have gotten too big to handle, so I like the smaller storms if I had to choose. Now that being said, I certainly will never turn down a whopper if offered.
Our winters are very variable of course when it comes to snow...The decades though do tend to still average not to far from normal. Decadal snowfall from the 70's thru now range from an avg. of 26.2" in the 80's to 31.6" in the 2000's. The exception of course is the 2010's which have averaged 39.5" , not including this year. These are my SI figures...your results may vary.