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Everything posted by Snowlover11

  1. storms love sitting just north of jersey city, it seems every time I look at the radar theres a storm parked over the area.
  2. man got slammed in yonkers, im at work but it poured for a good hour heavy rain, wind and amazing lightning and thunder.
  3. 90 on the app 93 in my car 91 on nws pick and choose, pick and choose.
  4. nothing like at 5:09am waking up to an emergency alert on your phone
  5. go figure probably getting our beat thunder and lightning here now.
  6. nasty storm just southwest of yonkers moving northeast.
  7. looks like some action finally about to move in from the southwest, thunder picking up and as well as being pitch black outside.
  8. love how i have a flash flood warning and have hardly gotten a drop of rain
  9. man good thing this isnt winter time i’d be getting screwed! all the action has stayed just west of me.
  10. no lightening or thunder but nice pop up shower here in white plains. absolutely pouring.
  11. man went to pick up pizza that thing was still baking walking to the car
  12. Another nice soaking this morning, before the heats pours in.
  13. nice storm passing over white plains currently thunder has increased as it is moving away.
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