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Everything posted by Snowlover11

  1. Brett Adair, listening to him makes me wanna go to bed
  2. decent winds, a few rumbles of thunder and torrential rain here in yonkers.
  3. I know we are in august but does anyone have an early take on labor day weekend? going away and the last few ldw’s have been crappy.
  4. sandy floyd isaias irene ton of trees down around yonkers, luckily i never lost power and most of the trees missed houses around my neck of the woods
  5. westchester county luckily survived from major damage, call me a weenie if you want but was a dud here, obviously not for others in our forum. stay safe everyone.
  6. well as of now the heaviest rains most likely will stay west of us, based off radar
  7. charge those phones fellas lol, rain on my door step sitting by the window like a kid on christmas for a thunderstorm
  8. not saying the nam isnt wrong but isnt it not a good model for tropical weather?
  9. my main concern is the rainfall in a short amount of time. someone will see 6+ inches in a short time frame. models have been throwing out even 7-8” totals.
  10. Winds on the uk and euro while they might be overdone a bit, its still concerning especially over LI. Even the city has a shot over gusts over 60.
  11. yikes ukie nukes us. high wind/rain amounts that 5-9” of rain for nearly everyone
  12. 4-6” of rain is still worrisome, especially if we get a good soaking tomorrow.
  13. tons of shear and dry air wont do much to it for the next 12 hours or so. might weaken even mote to be honest, it has a chance to strengthen once north of florida if it stays off the coast.
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