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Everything posted by Snowlover11

  1. man talk about living on the ledge, it’s definitely cold this morning, hopefully we can all stay snow and pile up!
  2. do us a favor and quit trolling especially over in the NE forum. i wish weenietags timeouts would return! anywho back to the storm. great small improvements tonight see you all tomorrow!
  3. RGEM looks like it ticked south a bit.
  4. 100% thats almost always the case. upper manhattan could see 8-10” while brooklyn sees 5-8” depends where in brooklyn, obviously the closer you are to the coast the less amount could/would verify.
  5. euro brings us back to life! windshield wiper affect. dont be shocked at all if the more “NW” models tick a bit se(and no this is not weenie forcasting)
  6. tossing the towel on this one. north trend will continue imo.
  7. Well this has been a dagger to MOST of us. obviously our north and west guys will do extremely well but once again we all got sucked in by the models(me included).
  8. one can hope. pretty significant jumps north and west. we shall see, im not going to jump off a bridge yet.
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