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Everything posted by Snowlover11

  1. honestly i’d take an inch and run with it, im liking the colder trend, we shall see. maybe can sneak 2-3”
  2. I remember a few years ago we had a heavy rain event after a snowfall. that river was high as hell, right on the delaware water pa between nj/pa on route 80. never been that scared in my life driving. the water was nearly up to the highway and was moving very fast.
  3. wasnt the rain suppose to move in between 12-2pm looks like we wont be raining till atleast 4-5pm
  4. i know my name speaks for itself but if we arent gunna get anymore snow, wash this crap away for i can park on the street with no problem.
  5. that was fun to track, obviously missed the “big” one but felt good to track something again, hopefully we aren’t done.
  6. meh should of would of could of, im not too sold on a curl around. looks to be 6-7” total here in yonkers.
  7. definitely sleeting when the heavy returns depart, hopefully radar fills in otherwise upton is gunna be eating crow for me here in yonkers.
  8. starting to rip here in westchester. main roads are becoming snow covered after even with all the salt they put down.
  9. close to .5” so far, roads are still ok most of them wet still here in yonkers, hills are starting to cake.
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