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Everything posted by Snowlover11

  1. this will pan out as the biggest storm this season? why? I’ll be in AC saturday morning till tuesday.
  2. Enjoy these nickel and dime events, it adds up. obviously I liked one big daddy event but hell with the past few winters being duds ill take anything.
  3. it can snow any day besides the 9th, im traveling to AC.
  4. we need a torch, sick of the cold and dryness. If it ain’t gunna snow, get this cold the hell outta here.
  5. anyone feel the earth shake? supposedly 2.4 in paramus, nj. I didn’t feel shit.
  6. Leaving work this morning I nearly busted my arse with the moisture on the ground, I didn’t think it was icy, but sure enough it was. I also said “wow” you wouldn’t think a snowstorm was coming with the crystal clear skies and the sunrise.
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