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Everything posted by Snowlover11

  1. woke me and the gf up, we both stared at each other, and said, did we just have an earthquake.
  2. transformers blowup all over, looks like lightning but the sky is a greenish/blue every couple seconds.
  3. thought it was gunna rain all night? after this batch its over for the most part.
  4. heavy rain moving upwards into nyc/northeast nj.
  5. congrats delaware river, pouring over it
  6. late late friday night/early saturday.
  7. certainly dont wanna hear about a drought this summer. we have gotten slammed with rain.
  8. fun drive into work, it’s already shitty out, you then have people cutting you off for no reason when they have three other lanes to drive in.
  9. 2 seconds away from flipping on the ac! hot in the house currently
  10. bouncing good here in yonkers.
  11. winds are ripping, just got to work and some of the traffic lights are sideways 30-40mph gusts.
  12. snowing decently here in yonkers currently despite the light returns on radar.
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