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Everything posted by Amped

  1. Loved the GFS OTS solution until 60 hrs out.
  2. If DT ever comes back he should only be allowed to blog not post on the Forum.
  3. First paragraph deceptive. One of the goriest articles Ive read. If I had been there I probably would have vomited.
  4. I love Hurricanes but I hate Tropical Storms

    1. Riptide


      You need a tropical storm to get a hurricane

    2. Riptide


      Once again, you are quite ridiculous sir.

  5. Sounds kind of like Rice Crispies only 10,000X louder. I was wondering if you could hear people screaming or does the wind mangle that too?
  6. No they said Tornado plenty of times in all those videos. They wouldn't have filmed it if they thought it was a normal Tstorm.
  7. Nice whoever did that video read my mind, just what I was looking for. Before this I thought all the tornados were in the afternoon.
  8. Strong winds quickly carried the clouds and rain cooled air away. I'd say it did almost nill to supress the outbreak. Extra soil moister may have even helped it.
  9. Wow. Actually I figured it out. Probably the low pressure inside the tornado that forced those off. Wind Speed alone can't do it since the surface is parallel. So manhole covers make a crude barometer.
  10. Doctors are busy gluing his head back together.
  11. Oh well, I guess we can have BB come in and replace you.
  12. 2005 was a moisture starved clipper the last second. Then again so was the 1978. Not usually good for DC.
  13. A lot of people are still wondering how the tornado killed so many people? So i'll ask it now how did that tornado kill so few people? It destroyed 8000 homes with only 153 deaths, were people just not in them when they got hit? And it took out the friggen hospital on top of it, People must be able to bleed for hours without dying those Bruce Willis movies must have had it right all along. Edit: Not that I root for people to diing but I would have guessed this was a lot worse based on the pics and destruction statistics.
  14. Is this a tally over the past several weeks ? It would be strange to have no deaths for two weeks and then 8 in one day.
  15. On a side note 1 lightning strike hospitalized 77 soilders!! As if they don't put themselves in enough danger as it is. http://beta.news.yahoo.com/lightning-hit-sends-77-cadets-miss-hospitals-211025436.html
  16. Politicians should not be allowed to use subjective statements like "Common Good" and "What the American people want" because they use them to promote their own agenda. Apparently Homeless people on the streets look nicer than a trailer park. so not accepting the trailers is for the common good.
  17. At least your town allows people to live in Fema trailers http://news.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474979385002
  18. Perfect sense now, no missing concrete. the crack is due to the piece of wood being torqued. My guess is rescuers ran it over with a truck after the tornado. . It can probably be recreated by feeding a long 2X4 into one of those things and having a heavy person step on it.
  19. Still haven't seen any ground scouring pics, but thedamage is still pretty incredible.
  20. Been at work the entire day, I can't think of any creative ways of saying Holy ****.
  21. I wonder if any storm chasers got hurt or killed in this. I would think at least some of the deaths were do to with curious weenies who wanted to watch and photograph it with thier Iphone instead of running from it. Yeah there's an EF4 in your area, but if it's a matter of life and death you may have to settle for a quick glimpse. I know I'd make the wrong choice.
  22. It does make for some cool images when the outbreak is in Oklahoma. I wish they could make that semimobile. It would have been nice to gotten it to Alabama this week. Maybe I'll write in a suggestion to NWRT. However I've never seen the thing and I don't know how hard to would be to move and reassemble.
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