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Everything posted by Amped

  1. Nice pinhole eye trying to reform. Forecast has it a CAT 1 close to Manilla early on the 26th.
  2. The best way to become a troll magnet is to take jokes seriously.
  3. Hurricane Mathew linking problems are back, or never went away in the first place.
  4. Wow models continue to show a lot of warmth near the polls in the long range. This year has just been insane record warmth.
  5. Lots of icepack getting destroyed, demolished, obliterated, who's going to give a play by play?
  6. No, This is a bomb cyclone which will transfer lots of heat to the surface and mix up subsurface water. It's Icemageddon basically.
  7. Not good. Still a long time to go but this is getting ugly fast.
  8. Another strong ridge will develop by day 7.
  9. We're doomed. Northern Hemisphere Ice cap was fun while it lasted. Tell your grandkids about it.
  10. Here's the Iowa state site national loop that doesn't jump everywhere. You can mess with the settings as desired. https://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/current/mcview.phtml?prod=usrad&java=script&mode=archive&frames=50&interval=60&year=2016&month=1&day=22&hour=0&minute=55
  11. That shows how nicely we got death banded during the 4 hours I tried to sleep.
  12. You can clearly see the AVN was just too quick dropping in the northern stream down and trended slower every run. Slow low in the lakes= bad news for I95.
  13. The 1st low would have been a big hit for the mid atlantic had the 2nd low not been in the way. The 2nd low would have been a big hit for the mid atlantic had the 1st low not been in the way. I also can't think of another time that the heaviest snowfall axis was so far displaced from the track of the 500mb low. The 500mb low tracked over Norfolk, VA while Vermont was getting the heaviest snow. The 2/10/2010 500mb low tracked further north nd gave Baltimore 20". Nice job DSN btw.
  14. Blizzard of 96 left the most snow over the area according to every map I can find. 2/5/2010 would have been much better if it were 3 degrees colder, and I didn't like the white rain and the paste at the beginning of that storm and that's why I don't rate it as good as 1996.
  15. Because both low positions are too far east for a blizzard in NYC.
  16. I don't see how an H7 track like the one suggested is giving nyc 24-36". It really needed to stall over Atlantic City to do that. H7 south of Montauk isn't going to clobber NYC.
  17. Even the GFS pulls the band west, the problem is the western edge stays weaker. It all hangs in how much juice gets sucked into it.
  18. It won't verify. Either New Haven or White Plains will gets more than SWCT. I grew up there.
  19. http://washington.cbslocal.com/2013/08/22/cathedral-repairs-still-adding-up-2-years-after-earthquake/ The Washington monument and National Cathedral are still under repair.
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