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Everything posted by Amped

  1. Jerry eats Karen on the Icon. GFS is thinking about it too. Doesn't look good for Karen surviving if Jerry doesn't get out of the way.
  2. Imagine if there was a bulls ass that could talk, and screamed "Hey everyone look at me" every 2 minutes. You think people would catch on and stop falling for it after 70+ years but apparently sometimes they don't.
  3. I hope a hurricane permanently stalls off the coast so we can hallucinate on which way it's moving 365 days a year.
  4. Somebody smash the HMON and the HWRF now. Their track outputs are not supposed to be taken seriously.
  5. TV Mets are going to have to start calling "the eye" of the Dorian "The Pupil" so they don't confuse the public.
  6. Freeport, spends 24hrs in the eye on the Euro. Plenty of buildings to destroy there, I don't know how well built they are, but they are going to need to hold up to CAT 4/5
  7. After the performance over the past 24hrs, I think every model and every ensemble member should should be completely tossed.
  8. I can tell cause it's going to melt away and put him underwater, just like all of his other investments.
  9. So who gets flooded tomorrow, Frederick, or Ellicott City?
  10. Just had to do a screen grab of this before it was gone. Vegeta what does the scouter say about his power level?
  11. The Warm Eddy in the gulf looks like it's in a similar spot to 2005 fwiw.
  12. This is the 3rd time Frederick has had 5"+ rainstorm since 2015. The other 2 were. 9/29/2015 5/16/2018 Here's a shot of the flood control system doing a pretty good job keeping up with the runoff and limiting the scope of the damage.
  13. Looks kind of lopsided. Probably good for heavy rains and a couple of weak tornadoes. Not good considering how much rain they've had in the MS Valley. TS Lee 2011 comes to mind as an analog. This seems to be moving a little faster though.
  14. You rarely see this many discrete cells anywhere in the Northeast or mid Atlantic.
  15. I feel bad for those 3 counties in PA not included in the TW.
  16. HRRR wants discrete cells, 3km NAM ants to keep a line. We'll see whose right.
  17. FDK storm rotation is actually over New Market it appears. Might have hit Urbana and Ijamsville if anything touched the ground.
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