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Everything posted by Amped

  1. You can see a dryslot over the Delmarva and offshore. Probably why we have enhanced lift over us and heavier rates than any model showed. It's the opposite of March 2013.
  2. Not sure how the mean is offshore when so many members have much stronger lows further nowrthwest. The high to the northwest must be offsetting things quite a bit.
  3. I don't see how we're getting snow out of this pattern with the + height anomolies ahead of the storm, they usually only trend wore with time. Euro gives northern areas a pretty good thump for now, but it is the furthest south of any of the 12z models.
  4. This storm is pretty amazing in terms of quantity of snow sleet and ZR it is dumping across the entire country.
  5. Probably dumps snow and a ton of ice first.
  6. Hopefully this holds for an hour or two. It's the only way we'll get as much as NVA and DC
  7. There's a nice band over Ohio and WV, hopefully it can make it to our area.
  8. Model Wars 2018 starts now RAP vs, EURO, UKMET, RGEM, GGEM, GFS. NAM, 3KNAM, HRDPS, FV3GFS, HRRR, NAVGEM, JMA, ICON, EPS, GEPS,GEFS,SREF I'm putting the odds at 1/100,000, any takers?
  9. Have never been happy with how this looks north of I70. We really don't get into the good rates. It's going to be hard to get 6" from snizzle.
  10. 40 in DC, 7" in Philly, 4"in NYC 0", in Boston. Seems legit, lock it up. The 60 hour fantasy storm the GFS had last December was even better if I remember correctly.
  11. Not good enough, here's a better one
  12. The 50/50 low is not in the right spot for this event and there is an area of +height anomalies off the Mid Atlantic and New England Coast that will not be easy to work around. A rain to snow event kind of like the GFS is showing might be favored in that kind of pattern. It looks similar to 2013-2014 where we got a number of those.
  13. GFS slower and more amplified at 500mb again, just like the last 4 runs
  14. People used to take this guy seriously 10 years ago. Now he uses every awful newbie forcasting technique you can imagine. I don't know what happened.
  15. Going to dump at least a foot before it cuts that high on half. If it succeeds that is.
  16. You mean 5"+ for everything that borders DCA
  17. NAM developing a cluster of thunderstorms off the Carolina coast @ 48hrs into a low that no other model has until at least 12hrs later. Typical NAM.
  18. Here is the shred factory in action. You can see the Jet streak over the great lakes and it's right entrance region that would have produced lift over us and help hold the system together, gets flattened and pushed east before the southern stream can get to us. @ers-wxman1 Did a good job pointing out that we had limited potential with this setup after we lost the NS monday.
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