This looks similar in intensity the last 3 Hurricanes to hit SE LA.
Gustav, Isaac and Nate.
It was a raw T 7.4 at one point last night.
I think the window to deepen has just about ended. It will probably hold this intensity +-5mb up to landfall.
It's the ULL forming a new system and Zeta getting ripped apart. CMC and even the Ukmet show Zeta being ripped apart over the apps. I think the Euro holds onto Zeta too long. It's not going to cross the apps and still be a 988mb low.
Euro looks strange between 90 and 96 hrs. The low is racing NE and then suddenly takes a jog back to the SW and weakens. I can see it slowing down or taking a turn to the SE, but the SW movement doesn't make sense in a fast flow.
Epsilon weakened a lot last night, but has made a very quick comeback the last 3 hrs. Eye is back out and T numbers are back up to 4.6. The west side of the storm looks healthy again.
2020 can be added to the list now, Aug-26th - Oct21st Laura, Teddy, Delta , Epsilon.
A very good season, but the alphabet record was padded with namewaster storms.
NHC issues a special 2pm advisory 958mb 110mph
Florence November 1994 is the closes analog. It didn't deepen as fast but reached a similar intensity and took a similar track.
Going to need some post season reanalysis on this. It was probably at least 10mb deeper than analyzed at 18z yesterday. However ADT numbers have not change much since 2am.
Most of the Deepening probably occurred yesterday
As for what prevented the Caribbean storm from forming, Looks like it was the stupid 500mb low over Florida. It appears at around the same time the GFS lost the storm.
Yeah it's a little perplexing. GFS was also too weak with Episilon, and had trouble handling the phase. It was it splitting it into 2 lows for a while.
Looks a lot like the output from the Euro 2 weeks ago. Just a giant elongated wind field.
Euro keeps showing a 2nd system trying to form in the western gulf. Although no other model is showing second low pressure in the GOM, all of them have lower pressures there than the GFS.