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Everything posted by Amped

  1. Some tornado warned cells in the line north of Orlando
  2. Cell behind it is also starting to form a hook
  3. Struggled for a while, but never looked like it was going to give up.
  4. That southernmost cell needs to be watched carefully.
  5. State College PA ripping fatties
  6. Don't think I've seen anything like this in late April.
  7. GFS day 8 has a major noreaster with some snow in Garret county. CMC is even colder but suppressed.
  8. Isn't even raining hard in the Howard county band. It's some melting layer crap fooling the radar.
  9. When you get to the mountains outside Bosie. 53 was fine for snow when I was hiking there last May, and people were out in Tshirts. Not here though, we always have to deal with the laws of physics.
  10. Seeing flakes on Frostburg traffic cams. Isn't exactly a winter wonderland though.
  11. A lot of thunder is better than we normally get with the synaptic system squall lines.. Usually it's indistinguishable from a gardener accidentally hitting the window with the hose for 10 seconds.
  12. Can we get a storm with winds stronger than the synaptic winds behind the coldfront? Thats all I want
  13. Of course 3km NAM is just showing virga
  14. HRRR has an STP max going into Mobile over the next few hours. Not counting out the southern end of the line yet.
  15. Precip shield appears to be compressing a bit finally.
  16. More cells breaking out west of Lake Pontchartrain. Going to be a long night if those become Tornadic also
  17. Going to make for a tough survey if the same area gets hit twice.
  18. The warm front is creating heavy WAA precip and slowing itself down. This is part of the problem. Things may change if it eventually makes a northward surge in a few hours.
  19. Was that the best you could do for your 1st post?
  20. SPC really needed a narrow high risk area from Monroe- Chattanooga. You can see the HRRR and NAM3km shows a semidiscrete line training over that area for the next 8-10 hrs!!!!! \ Likely to be a parade of tornadic cells along that line, while they remain scattered everywhere else.
  21. The SW end of the main line is breaking up. Possible it becomes discrete in the next few hours
  22. NE LA was right where the STP bullseye was on the NAM
  23. I haven't noticed much difference in the parameters since yesterday.
  24. Are there any recons doing extra soundings in the gulf tonight?
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