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Everything posted by Amped

  1. GFS has splits the vortex in Quebec and has a lobe over Maine. Thats what's keeping everything suppressed.
  2. Traces up and down I95. Won't verify in the DC metro of course.
  3. The Euro has been at least somewhat consistent.
  4. CMC rides the low up the front much quicker, hence it's further north with the track. Looks like north of Albany to Portland gets some snow. Unusal for May, but a lot less insane than the GFS.
  5. Models have been all over the place with this system the past 36hrs, so I'd think there's well above average uncertainty on the track and intensity of that low for 5 days out.
  6. Looks like models abandon the idea of crushing the southern stream with the PV day 4-5. I thought I was losing my mind there for a while.. Now looks like a phase,. Rain and wind, with some pretty insane windchills for May.
  7. 18z GFS is close to something but it gets crushed by the PV. A very odd problem to have in May
  8. That looks so similar to the March 2013 snowfall forecast map, I almost puked when I saw it.
  9. Is there a record for most concave squall line?
  10. Ripping on the webcam east of Bennington.
  11. Amped

    COVID-19 Talk

    Hopefully it's not a big problem.
  12. Amped

    COVID-19 Talk

    That wasn't my point. Read the last item on the list.
  13. Amped

    COVID-19 Talk

    Seems Legit New York ----------------277,445 New Jersey-------------102,196 Massachusetts-------50,969 California ---------------40,812 Pennsylvania----------40,149 Illinois---------------------39,658 Michigan----------------36,641 Florida--------------------30,533 Africa ---------------------28,109
  14. All models have been showing the best rates on the front end of this. NAM has a second deform band on the back end of the storm, that forms farther east than the first one.
  15. The evolution of the storm looks a lot like December 2003. Late phase and High pressure to the north that doesn't weaken. The precip shield moves very erratically
  16. That also looks like a crazy banding signature over central NE. Probably similar to Oct 2011.
  17. Should be at the MS border around midnight or maybe 11:45
  18. Trying to warn a tornado one football field at a time is challenging.
  19. Looks like it got the monkey off of it's back. Nice hook again.
  20. Nothing is skipping over southern Mississippi this year. Faith
  21. Found the start of this. 2.5 hrs so far probably over 100 miles.
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