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Everything posted by Amped

  1. Yeah that storm was a huge temp rollercoaster. In CT we had a few inches of snow, heavy rain with temps in the mid 40s, then another inch of snow and a flash freeze. School buses were getting into accidents the next morning.
  2. We stay snow longer on this GFS run but I never take the GFS snow sleet line seriously. Central MD changes back to snow at 84hrs. Typical GFS antics.
  3. Somewhere in the middle probably correct. We just need the strong lift at the start.
  4. RGEM has some really strong lift along I95 and south from 60-66hrs. It would be a at least 1"/hr rates if it's snow.
  5. Clearly the DC split always verifies even when not modeled.
  6. 33 and rain with a .21 chance of and EF2+ based on LCL.
  7. Never, this is a front end thump. I don't even see a SE jog happening over Maine.
  8. Always love that inch or two we get before it changes to 55F and heavy rain. Gives the media something to overhype.
  9. Got microflakes mixed with sleet. visibility went way down.
  10. The ZR from earlier is now starting to freeze on the roads.
  11. Most winters aren't nice to DC, but this one hates them the most.
  12. Euro just has like an hour or two of freezing drizzle.
  13. .02 maybe even worse. More likely to be overlooked by road crews only expecting some spotty freezing drizzle. Happened in Kansas city in 2019
  14. Euro also trended east with the Day7-8 ice to rain storm. We get more sleet now.
  15. The SE ridge is the only feature of this storm that immobile, incompressible and inevitable. The track of the high maybe within 300 miles of the axis of heaviest snowfall
  16. If this is a classic Nina screw job for us, then OKC STL and CHI is the likely jackpot. Maybe add Dallas this time since the cold air is so far south.
  17. SE ridge is just too strong for a snow event next week. No matter how you configure the PV, there's not working around it.
  18. Euro has mostly freezing rain for the day 4-5 storm. This has some nasty icing potential.
  19. Yeah 500mb looks great but surface high maybe a bit too far south. Kind of a map you wanna make a "What will it do next?" pool for.
  20. Models are showing a dryslot near I81 where the coldest air would be. Kind of a screwjob until you get to central PA on the GFS or upstate NY on the CMC.
  21. CMC/GFS look suppressed with the day 7 storm, last night was an amped up firehose. Edit: check out the run to run consistency day 6.
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