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Everything posted by Amped

  1. Not happening. If we had a good H5 vortex passage it would work, but we don't, so the only decent vertical motion will be with convection offshore.
  2. That second batch blossoms into a massive area of pixie dust. I have a feeling it will overperform somewhere. Unfortunately NJ/NYC/NE might steal it from us again. It's too light and moves through to quick for us to really have a shot at anything significant.
  3. People have to know how to use the NAM It sucks at precip amounts. It is pretty good with the sleet snow line.
  4. Someone told me a model was ejecting a piece of energy that should cut off over the Rockies and showing an imaginary historic snowstorm for the east coast. They didn't tell me what model it was but I was 100% sure it was the GFS.
  5. I'd be happy with 0.1" as long as the Euro, the Para and the RGEM don't show more than .2" at any time within 72hrs of the storm and LWX has me at .05 -.07"
  6. Biggest all sleet event for me since March 2007.
  7. I swear this region used to occasionally get storms that overperformed.
  8. Explains why LWX couldn't go 1-2" even though that's the depth that will verify and the number in the record books.
  9. Big difference between Frederick and New Market on webcams.
  10. Radar shows a band headed for the WV panhandle and Hagerstown area. It extends most of the way through WV now so it might have some staying power.
  11. Hugging the model with the furthest south snow sleet line always works out so well.
  12. NYC gets like 30 hrs of pixie dust. Going to set a record for the most boring storm ever.
  13. Could just leave the 2-4" forecast up for Baltimore for every event this year. Would have been close enough most of the time.
  14. Looks like a 4-5 hr thump, then sleet, then ZR, then maybe some wraparound pixie dust with 33 degree temps?
  15. For V16 they upgraded the GFS to the RGEM.
  16. It's really just pixie dust. Only the Delmarva gets over 1" in 6hrs.
  17. It worked, seems to be out on the ditch now
  18. GGEM and RGEM are doing some strange shit with the 2nd wave. Highly doubt we get two rounds of snow with a 30hr break in the middle.
  19. SLP is further south and weaker every run. Sleet snow line trended north likely due to mid level lift or lack there of only.
  20. Jackpot is near 81 and along the md line on every model. Pretty good agreement actually.
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