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Everything posted by Amped

  1. Nah keep it south a few more runs. I like the phasing though, gives the storm an opportunity to come west. It will be limited by the location of the ridge in the plains though. I use 1/25/00 as my benchmark for how far east the NS troff axis can be and still give us room for a decent snowstorm. It was over Indiana.
  2. Where's the SE ridge when we need it?
  3. The slow movement is on par with march 2010. It takes over 3 days to get across the eastern half of the US
  4. Nah it's got < an in for almost everyone outside SW VA.
  5. Our last overperformer. Also holds record for most forgotten bust by a model. HRRR kept insisting on just a couple of flurries while we got another widespread 4-6".
  6. Mangled flakes mixing back in, cruel tease
  7. Sleet line looks like it's going to stall near I70. Some sleet mixing in in downtown Columbia.
  8. About noon, but it's probably going to be the NAM sleetfest.
  9. Models didn't change since this afternoon so I wonder why they're cutting back? I guess they're banking on sleet being mixed with the snow . I think this is going to be a boom for the M/D line there is no mixing there, they will probably get more like 4-6". Maybe 2-3" along I70 into the north side of Baltimore. And the 1" line looks about right assuming mostly sleet and rain near the beltway.
  10. This is a crappy setup. It just moves in too quick for the cold to retreat in northern areas. Natures version of hitting a slow infield ground ball and sprinting to first to just beat the throw by a hair. Every time we've hit the ball far this year, it's been caught at the warning track.
  11. I've been on a severe turbulence flight where bags went flying everywhere and plenty of people were freaking out. I managed to stay calm, but an explosion and flames definitely would have made it a lot scarier.
  12. Not sure this is real but yikes,
  13. Ouch, lucky nobody got hurt and it returned to Denver safely.
  14. Changes to rain. If this ends up being DCs biggest event then I don't know anything about weather.
  15. Jackpot south of I95 over Alexandria, with a snow hole over Westminster. There's a reason the good forecasters laugh every time a model shows snow for DC.
  16. The colors don't match the totals across the northern tier. 6" jackpot is colored in 1-2"
  17. Thanks SE ridge.. You took 90% of our snow and I'm so happy you didn't take 100% of it. yet
  18. I usually tell people "Puking Fatties" is local cover band.
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