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Everything posted by Amped

  1. Models were 5-6" too high with the snow yesterday and about 3-5" too low today. Looks like they overestimated the SE flow regime and underestimated the N flow regime on the south side of the CCB. Heavy snow started right as the 700mb winds started cranking out of the north. The storm did not really track further north than predicted. Palmer divide was always going to be the southern cutoff.
  2. Looking at the radar overnight, it seems possible. A band set up from DIA-Ft Collins and missed the rest of the city and metro.
  3. DIA is now the highest total in the metro east of the mountains. Over twice as much as some other parts of the city. I'd feel a little bad if I was a chaser who got in a car after flying in.
  4. HRRR showing another 12" for the Denver Metro. The 18=24" forecast will turn out fine if that verifies.
  5. Day 10 Euro puts this storm to shame.
  6. Some day they should invent a snow stick that can be read from far away. NAM 3km overdoes downsloping
  7. 5 more days till the v16 becomes op. These are some of the last chunks gfsv15 will ever blow. It has both way too much and way to little on this storm.
  8. Euro has been pretty darn consistent with amounts. 18-24 again this run.
  9. The GFS has a sharper gradient than the 2km wrf.
  10. Centennial, just south of Denver is elevated a bit and is where the Euro has the jackpot.
  11. Update both GFS's have a 4/6/82 like setup for NY/NE day 8. Hopefully the CF can get further south, but we rarely have any luck with that.
  12. Euro shreds the crap out of the ULL. Nice looking surface high though.
  13. CMC 216 has a "Where was that setup a month ago?" storm.
  14. UKMET and GFS have similar snow amounts in CO despite the UKMET being 18 hrs slower. I don't remember any major Front Range snowstorms that were also big east coast snowstorms.
  15. Not easy to get a strong E-W elongated low over the continental divide like that.
  16. Don't worry it will still delay air traffic at the DC airports.
  17. I'd rather winter end than another 2-4". Not interested in late season snows unless we get over 6". I doubt anything similar verifies since it's 8 days out. Day5+ has been fantasy land this year.
  18. 18z has 2-5" for most of us. NYC gets crushed this run with the coastal transfer.
  19. Winters not over, we need to get fringed one more time.
  20. Remember when 2 day snowstorms used to be like 2' instead of 2"?
  21. Yeah should have read the rest of the chart.
  22. With -27F and a 102mph wind I'm getting a -80F wind chill. https://www.weather.gov/epz/wxcalc_windchill
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