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Everything posted by Amped

  1. Most of tomorrows cape will come from the 74 degree dews. Haven't seen the sun today and not expecting to tomorrow.
  2. Convective setups usually trend east. This one has been trending northwest so far.
  3. Will be a fish storm. Will add a lot of ACE. Will have a lot of IKE.
  4. Well turns out the neglected piece of urban blight that toppled was one of the cities historic cultural sights. Guess they did a good job disguising it.
  5. Wonder if there's a temporary power restoration plan. Replacing all those poles and towers won't happen quickly.
  6. So far no reports of New Orleans itself filling with water. Just power out and wind damage.
  7. Several barges came loose during the storm. I hope that's not what cause the levee failures or transmission line collapse.
  8. Always a joke when you tweet for help without telling your exact location.
  9. 2-3" per hour in the eyewall upstream from the city.
  10. New Orleans Getting hit with ????? Cause all stations are down. Power and internet out too. Guess the Helicopters will see whats left of it tomorrow morning
  11. Boarded up doors. Hopefully this means itwas urban blight waiting to be demolished.
  12. It goes on for a very long time east of the storm. Really a much longer duration event than you get near the center or west of the center. New Orleans might not improve much until after midnight.
  13. I have yet to understand how a stationary city can dodge things.
  14. I see almost no westward movement the last couple hours.
  15. Hopefully the storm chasers in Houma stay put and don't do anything stupid.
  16. It's grainy and pointed at the ground though.
  17. That makes the people who doubted it could swim all the way down from Rhode Island in 7 days look even worse. Made it with 18 hrs to spare.
  18. By storm chasers he means Jeff Piotrowski
  19. I really wish SE LA maps would agree on what's land and what's water. Maybe Just declare the whole thing swamp? Must have been almost impossible to navigate even with GPS.
  20. I'm guessing it didn't go far before it sunk. Maybe 50 to 100 yards downwind?
  21. Of course there was a shark. It happens every storm.
  22. Yes landfall is present intensity unless post cyclone report in January finds enough evidence to change it. Doubtful they will.
  23. There's an outer eyewall trying to form on radar. If you look closely you can see it on recon data. It's way too late for it to kick in prior to landfall though.
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