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Everything posted by Amped

  1. Yes I'm using weather nerds, cyclonicWX and COD
  2. Only 95kt at 5AM. That eye is impressive though. This will probably make a run at CAT5 unless shear kicks in by tonight.
  3. Too bad there's no recon. This is likely intensifying at close to the same rate as Ida.
  4. Raw Adt up to 5.3. The eye is clearing out. Should be a major by 5am.
  5. After some dry air disruptions this morning the core looks great now.
  6. Euro just doesn't dig the troff. Neither model handles the pattern well 8 days out and they don't even have the T0 position right. Climo will probably win out here and it will end up re curving, as most ensembles show.
  7. Update: Visible satellite supports a 10.5N center. The 12z early cycle guidance has it at 10N. Still needs another cycle or 2 to close the gap.
  8. GFS has the vortex initialized at ~8.6N. Invest position also looks way too far south. I'm guessing it's actually at 10.5N-11N.
  9. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  10. At this point, it's just trying to confuse us.
  11. Just noticed the Euro and UKMET are way slower than every other model to move the storm through Houston. GFS CMC NAVGEM and ICON have the storm at the LA border at 72hrs. EURO/UKMET have it stalled over San Antonio. Assuming the more progressive solutions verify, the rainfall duration for Houston will be much shorter. Maybe just a 6-10 hr deluge which can easily drop 10" of rain. The 40" totals won't stand much of a chance though.
  12. Am not liking this storm at all. At least Harvey was a nice looking CAT4 when it hit the coast. This will be an ugly mess and cause major flooding problems. Also a lot of that precip falls in 18-24hrs over the Houston area.
  13. Finally center is kinda showing up on radar. http://moe.met.fsu.edu/~mnissenbaum/RadarArchive/KBRO2/loop.html
  14. Larry just needs a few more splotches before 11pm and NHC will likely upgrade it to a Jackson Pollock painting.
  15. Larry's outflow should get captured by the right entrance region of a jet streak over the next 24-48hrs. This might be able to intensify it again assuming the water is warm enough and the structure isn't too degraded.
  16. I better be able to count at least 10 MVs in the eye or it's a bust.
  17. Not annular anymore if it's doing another ERC. Sure looks it is based on recent microwave passes.
  18. Larry could stay major for the next 6 days as shown by some models. That would account for more than half of the 2021 NATL ACE at the time of dissipation.
  19. Has better looking outflow than Ida or Grace.
  20. So did the HRDPS redeem itself or are we still stuck with the NAM?
  21. I Thought that was an EF3/4 based on TDS height. I haven't seen any damage pics that look higher than an EF2.
  22. Luckily Mississippi hasn't built thousands of plywood McMansions like New Jersey has. Those things are like giant sails once a tornado hits.
  23. People intercepting wedges in Annapolis and NJ.
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