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About Amped

  • Birthday April 5

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Columbia, MD
  • Interests
    Snowstorms that rank #11 of all time.

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  1. We should be iut enjoying the snow and the last 10 pages of this thread should be an argument on how DCA could possibly only have 17 when surrounding areas have 24.
  2. Gfs and Rgem have cut back amounts in SE VA in case this wasn't a sh!t show already. Edit: HRDPS is almost a total rug pull on 6"+ amounts in VA/NC Would be a very fitting ending to this Saga.
  3. Get the confluence about 150 miles northeast and we'd phase the sheet out of that thing.
  4. Yeah but 4 or 5" in Richmond is okay. That dryslot may struggles to make 1" in some spots. Same in Delaware and Charlottesville. Brutal on a 6" forecast.
  5. He cut back but still has way too much west of Richmond in the Farmville dryslot. That area has bust written all over it.
  6. Kinda stinks when the NAM agrees with other models. It's like Cartman acting nice on Southpark. Who wants to watch that?
  7. Going to be a fun battle, its the Ecmwf, Gfs. Cmc, rgem, Icon, hrdps, ukmet, fv3 hires, Jma, Navgem and 3km Nam vs the 12km Nam, Brime Trucks and CVS.
  8. None since it stpped being the ETA.
  9. Euro bumped me up from .1 to .2". If it keeps doubling for 7 more runs I can get my 25.6" back.
  10. Consistency is not the nams strength.
  11. Nam 1 ups DTs snowman. 5"+ in every major city except Bos.
  12. At this point every SE tick is cracking me up more.
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