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Everything posted by WishingForWarmWeather

  1. Well, good... that's awesome. When I saw the city of Joplin after the tornado it sent chills down my spine for weeks after, just even to think about it. It looked nearly identical to what NOLA looked like after Katrina, just kind of on a smaller scale. I feel your pain more than you can understand. And yes, any volunteer is simply an angel on earth, no doubt about that. I have nothing but terrible things to say about Fema, but I am very glad you had a much better experience. I did see that story about the dog, I followed the whole story very closely, since it hit so closely to home. (Not only in literal terms-- I am in Norman, OK right now-- but in emotional terms as well).
  2. How has FEMA been handling it in Joplin? I was in New Orleans for Katrina (and many years after) and they handled it absolutely awful. I truly hope you're (and your town) are having a much easier time.
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