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Everything posted by WishingForWarmWeather

  1. That is very wild. 6.4 inch hail. 5.5 is nothing to sneeze at either, though! What a picture.
  2. Is there picture or video footage of this? How was it confirmed? Just curious, not doubting.
  3. Quick question, and I'm sorry to ask - I did try to find this information on my own first. Does anyone have any idea on the timing of when the weather is supposed to get to the New Orleans area tomorrow? Even a guesstimate is fine.
  4. Yeah, you're not lying. I lived there for 2 years, 8 seasons. The one summer I was there was the hottest summer on record of any city since they began keeping record (at least that is what all of the newspapers and meteorologists said). Then in the spring, I experienced 2 different tornados. One displaced me from my home, the other directly hit a hospital I was in with my 2 year old daughter getting her tonsils removed. Destroyed my car as well with baseball sized hail. Then, the winter of that same insane year came with massive ice storms, 3 different ones, and a huge blizzard. That was the 2nd year of me living there...the moment my lease was up I got the hell out of there. It was too wild for me. But, I definitely took that experience of the gut feeling with me. It'll never leave. Have you lived in OK before Edit to say that I lived in Norman and then moved to Moore.
  5. Thank you! I had put it as that when I was living in Oklahoma, there were so many ice and snow storms the one winter and all I could do was wish for some warmer weather. After that, I moved to Texas and answered my own prayers for warm weather, haha. Only two seasons there - summer and football. Now I'm in Tennessee with all 4 seasons, including snow again! Back to wishing for the warm weather. But, it is nice to have fall again!
  6. That's kind of what I've been assuming. Kids should be able to make a better snowman with these 2 inches than they were with the 7 inches last time. It was terrible snowman snow. It's just wild run to run the massive disparities.
  7. I'm ****ing baffled bro. Trying to figure out how much snow Clarksville area will get and
  8. How long does the flight usually take? In response to Levi, NOAA says they left at 238aCST to head to Ida. Maybe it won't be a multi-hour gap as suggested.
  9. Here you go, this is a direct link to the Ida page: http://tropic.ssec.wisc.edu/real-time/adt/odt09L.html
  10. It is the worst possible time to lose yet another recon flight, that is for sure.
  11. Yes, what is going on! These planes have numerous issues season after season! I don't understand...are they old? Is it because they take such a beating? Funding severely lacking? But what is the excuse then for the AF planes, one would imagine there's no lack of funding there? These planes are so imperative to keeping people safe, I just do not understand why they continue to be plagued with issues.
  12. I...what. I have no words. Yesterday was "there's no time, shelter in place". 24 hours out, it's this. This is gross incompetence. I can't even grasp this.
  13. https://www.nola.com/news/hurricane/article_3ed55acc-077f-11ec-a4e6-9bfb7e7c286b.html They're not opening contraflow and saying residents should shelter in place. They will open shelters of last resort but not yet sharing the location. This is heart breaking.
  14. If I recall correctly, it wasn't. They found evidence of 17-18 foot surge, it's just the area was mainly uninhabited and Lake Charles was spared the worst of it.
  15. You guys think Jerry could pull a loop and start over again with a fresh chance? Any recent model guidance about what happens after the south curve? (Sorry if this is a stupid question)
  16. CAPS, I believe, is the school he was at. Central Abaco Primary School.
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