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Everything posted by HighStakes

  1. Torturing people who are already tortured?
  2. They are very good especially considering how beat up their defense is but man did Minnesota blow so many opportunities not to mention getting outcoached.
  3. I have a feeling that's when it will be. Makes sense since CBS has the 8 p.m. game on Saturday but who knows.
  4. Not yet. Pretty sure they won't announce times until after the conclusion of tonight's game.
  5. The fun part is that we're back in the game with other chances on the horizon. Here's to a good 2-3 run.
  6. I hear ya! I guess we'll find out in about 12 hours. I really was hoping the back end would've improved. Unfortunately it's looks unimpressive. Maybe we squeeze out 1-2 inches of additional fluff tomorrow late afternoon/early evening.
  7. I think you're getting 5 plus. Hopefully more. Good news is we're not getting shut out.
  8. @North Balti Zen will go off the rails if there's a 30 mile last minute shift south and his old neighborhood get 6 plus and Monkton gets 2. Lol.
  9. Most reputable models get the 4 inch line up to York. 6 inches up to the MD line is still in play. The cutoff will be sharp but I don't think it will be as severe as the examples PSU gave.
  10. He's great. So many other top notch experts here. This boards has got to be the number 1 source for expert analysis bar none. We civilians are so fortunate to be able to interact with them. It's like the average fan chatting basketball with Magic Johnson on a regular basis.
  11. I'm sure someone mentioned it but come Tuesday morning there will be mass elimination from the snowfall contest.
  12. If the right bands set up absolutely! 15:1 is actually likely assuming we're not sitting under light returns getting pine needles.
  13. Justin and Tony used to have a weekly 1 hour weather talk show on WCBM in the early 2000's. Justin was at WBAL for several years before going to WMAR.
  14. Interesting! I know they used to use the RPM a lot years ago but like you said they also show the Euro. I don't watch nearly as much as I used to but I feel like Tom T has definitely gotten more conservative in recent years. He's been at WBAL 35 years which is remarkable and he's a solid met. He never struck me as a my way only guy. By taking that stance he's hurting his own product by not accepting input especially from someone like Ava who's made her own mark a good meteorologist.
  15. I happened to have WBAL on the other day for the first time in a while and I noticed they were using the Graf model as there futurecast radar.
  16. This appeared on my FB feed for the first time ever out of nowhere.
  17. Sounds good to me! I agree when it comes to ratios up here. Even in more marginal events we tend to get 10:1/12:1. A lot of times we do even better than 15:1 as long as were not getting pine needles lol. If we get into good banding we can do 20:1. I would love to see the back end trend a bit better. We could really go to town on ratios with that. I think this will be a fun event. So far this year just feels different from the past several. Most of the sub forum should be satisfied when it's all said and done.
  18. Reasonable. 4 is my bar. Hoping of course for 6 plus. Anything less than 4 will be disappointing considering how much time we have vested in this event.
  19. I think I'll ride the Euro for this one.
  20. Can't say enough how great it is have legit cold settle in 48 hours before knowing every flake counts.
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