Most higher elevation weather stations around here are in the mid to upper 30's still and valleys are low 30's. This was expected. We should be 30-32 by 12z.
This Wednesday deal is showing a qpf. field well north and west from the low pressure center. It wouldn't take much for some light to moderate snows to reach the area.
Yes, over 90 inches here in 2014. I believe I recorded 18 or more individual month from December through March. Incredible year.
2010 is the record. 102 inches but I need to go back and double check that.
Bottom line is almost every model gives the area some snow Sunday. Details to be fine tuned as always. Models are not backing off or showing any moderationon the Arctic cold as we get closer and in fact it keeps getting stronger and colder. Then a chance at a significant event towards the end of next week. This could be and I emphasize could be a top 5 winter week of all time!
Almost the entire storm was in the teens. Low teens for a long time. That huge High settled Saturday afternoon after the initial burst of snow pushed south. Temps dropped the entire day. By the time the heavy snow started in the very early a.m. of Sunday temps were in the teens then fell several more degrees. Some northern areas got down to 9 or 10 I believe.
This wave has some similarities to the 1/21/2014 event. That wave looked rather weak and kept getting better and stronger right up until game time. Also looked too warm a few days out and forecasts kept trending colder. Ended up with 8-9 inches of cold powder here. Less to the south but I think everyone got a 3-7 event. Temps fells through out the storm as it was warmish the couple days before leading into it.
Yes the November event had a 2 inch disparity so you are correct about a "missing" inch. I think I missed something because we definitely had several coatings. I'll add in a little extra when we get blasted next week lol.