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Everything posted by HighStakes

  1. Brutal end to the regular season. All their improvement was thrown away in 2 pitiful games. Just awful losses. May have played themselves out if the tournament.
  2. Hey, watch it now. I'm that guy "just down the street". .
  3. Flipped to a mix here 20-30 minutes ago. Maybe a half inch before that.
  4. Teleconnections for that time day 8-10 argue for a colder storm.
  5. I'm actually closer than the map shows. I live on the same side of route 30 as he does. I can pretty much see his house from my backyard.
  6. Good post. Yes it was North Carroll Middle. I have a 2 daughter's at Manchester Valley High School. One of them is starting in person tomorrow. The other one wants to start some time in March. I'm ok with it now. I also have a daughter in 5th grade at Ebb Valley Elementary and a stepson at North Carroll Middle. Both of them will go back in March. Most leading doctors agree they should go back in person in some form. I guess we'll see how everything plays out with more vaccines being distributed and new strains of the virus becoming more prevalent. We're still being as careful as possible and hoping for the best.
  7. A school employee at one of the local middle schools here died a few months ago due to Covid. The situation was hushed. How many other cases were not disclosed?
  8. Yeah, been a crazy year. Never have seen such dramatic differences in such a short distance. Can you believe PSU's total is 6 inches more than mine and I can see his house from my back deck. I'm at 860ft. and his is roughly 1050ft. He is at 51 inches and BWI is 10.3. Just absurd.
  9. That's amazing. My parents live on the top of Westminster St. at 1050ft. but I haven't been there because of Covid. I'm curious to see how their coverage is. I've got about 7-8 on my south facing front yard and 10 in the backyard. My deck which gets no sun has 12 now but was 14 this morning during the snow. This has been an impressive stretch of snow cover. My front yard usually takes a beating on sunny days but I've had full coverage since Jan 31st. The freezing rain and sleet was no doubt partially responsible for the staying power but its also been quite chilly.
  10. This season has been a little weird for measuring. Mixing, compaction, wind etc. We've had multiple events that compacted immediately. This year also has been the largest spread between our measurements due to the marginal events. I've also been a little lazy this year and missed an inch or so along the way. The first event of the year in December you got 3 and I only got 1-1.5. Then the Feb. 7th event I got 5.5 and you got 6.5 -7.0. That storm became very marginal the last 2 hours. We probably have a 5-6 inch spread between our houses.
  11. 3.5 here on 2/10-11 and 7.5 on the 18th/19th.
  12. You missed the Feb. 7th event? We got around 6.
  13. Right. Now it's coming back. Thanks
  14. I noticed you recorded 0.9 on 2/5. I have nothing recorded and no recollection.
  15. Yes based on lwx forecast maps but I felt like we had a good shot at 4. Every model had us getting between 35-.45 qpf. and every model looked cold enough up here.
  16. Lake Clifton was rough but had a great basketball team in the mid to late 80's.
  17. Yup. Definitely nothing like usual. Very sandy and granular but it wasn't that heavy to push and shovel.
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