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Everything posted by HighStakes

  1. We're a team full of number 3 and 4 receivers.
  2. Where would we be without Tucker!
  3. Just a few days ago the EPO was forecasted to be around neutral to slightly positive but now it's forecasted to go strongly positive. Tough to get any arctic air in the U.S. despite the other indices being favorable. Good news is that it look short lived as EPO should head down after right the new year.
  4. Especially withe EPO going solidily positive right after Christmas.
  5. Yesterday he was concerned that his flip to warm may be short lived as the EPO hints at going negative in early January. He says the possibility is growing that another severe arctic shot between the 5th and 20th of January. Compares this year to his 2010/2011 forecast when he called for the end to fast and winter stayed strong into February. He's all over the place. The day before yesterday he was on the warm train completely and said this was a 1989/1990 and 1964/1965 winter that after the cold December it ended for good in January.
  6. Thank you to all those who tell us to keep expectations in check and don't get our hopes too high for a storm that is 168 HOURS AWAY!!! I definitely needed to be brought back to reality.
  7. Pretty good glaze on everything with icy spots on pavements.
  8. I agree. My bar is always set at a reasonable level and my location is one the better within the forum. If we're fortunate for the pattern to come to fruition and we get a solid 2-3 week window, I would be very pleased with 2 or 3 measurable events. Let's say something along the lines of what you described above. A nice front end thump followed by arctic air and maybe a nice wave that's all snow that produces several more inches and if we can get lucky enough for a 3rd event then another moderate front end thump would be ideal. It would be nice to have the cold allow for an extended period of snow cover before the pattern flips. The one caveat I would say would be some of the looks were getting in the 10-15 really do enhance the chance for something major. I did notice that the last few runs of the teleconnections on the EURO are popping the EPO neutral to slightly positive around Christmas but the other indices look great.
  9. That's right! I recorded 24 for the 2 part event. 16 inches with the heavy snow overnight into the morning. Then 1st part ended as some drizzle/ mist. Part 2 was very heavy snow for several hours that evening resulting in 8 more inches. Pretty sure this area bulleyed part 2. If I remember correctly losetoa6 got roughly only 4 inches compared to the 8 here. Sharp cutoff just west of Westminster and just east of the Baltimore/ Carroll county line.
  10. And please stay healthy for the remainder of the season. Let's see what we can do with a decent O-line and starting backfield despite our inept passing game.
  11. It had a pretty strong cold air mass and later half of December doesn't have as many Climo issues from the cities on north. There was a decent storm 2 weeks earlier that presented Climo issues for the cities while the suburbs did quite well. 2 weeks later in December pretty much eliminated Climo related problems.
  12. If the pattern is right and comes together as advertised there will be no problem with Climo for mid-December especially where you're located. Outside of the Eastern Shore, cities themselves and low lands no one will have a Climo related issue after December 10th . We haven't seen much snow in recent December's because we have had mostly crap patterns and not because it can no longer snow in December or Climo has changed that dramatically. Sure there are some concerning issues with the marginal events over recent years but not enough that a perfect set up for snow won't longer work in December especially the 2nd half of the month.
  13. Cloudy, windy and cold. Been stuck around 36-37 all day.
  14. BWI: 18.2 DCA: 13.7 IAD: 18.7 RIC: 11.2 Tiebreaker SBY: 11.3
  15. Sorry you have to deal with this. We were very fortunate here just 10 minutes from you. No damage and power was restored at 1:30 a.m. Wednesday.
  16. Wasn't bad here but just a mile or 2 away was really bad. We lost power until 1:30 a.m.
  17. January was close to normal favoring the plus side but February was quite mild.
  18. One of my friends has a bet they win more than 63.
  19. I dont think orioles management would say we have nearly enough at this point. You can never have enough depth with pitching. There's no guarantee on anyone living up to potential. The rest of these guys were waiting on coming up are still just prospects. Let's not forget how some can't miss Pitchers didn't pan out for us in the past. Also let's not get fooled into thinking our line up is better than it really is. We only have 2 everyday players hitting .280. Everyone else is .265 or lower and we strikeout a ton. Hayes has cooled off considerably and up until 2-3 weeks ago Mullins was struggling. My point is some of these guys that fans have penciled in for the future probably won't be on the team. My position is to continue stockpiling talent. I have full confidence in Elias.
  20. I Agree. I'm loving it too but I think Elias has to stick to the plan for the big picture. We getting excellent starting pitching but there's no way to know if these guys can stay consistent and sustain this level. In reality there's probably only 2 guys that may be in the starting rotation next year. If selling means we continue to add quality and depth then thats the right thing to do. Defense has been excellent and we're getting clutch hitting. It shouldn't be difficult to lure good starting pitching here now with that fence in left field if the organization really opens up the pocket book assuming the market has some good arms available. Bottom line is there is an awful lot to look forward too!
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