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Everything posted by HighStakes

  1. This is where Ive been at follwing the Winter of 19/20.
  2. Manchester averages roughly 37 inches overall. The Highest ridges and areas which reach almost 1130 ft. are probably at 40-42 inches for an average with the lowest valleys at 800 ft. In the 34-35 range. My house is approximately 860-870 ft. so I always say 37 when asked.
  3. Not much melting. Temps have been hovering around 30. Currently Cloudy and flurries.
  4. @psuhoffmanNice! Another marginal storm where there's a big difference between you and me. Happening very frequently now. I ended up with 4.5 maybe a bit more but I measured after some compaction. I'm inclined to think just 10-15 years ago the difference between our totals would have been less than inch.
  5. 15 inches here in March 2018 2 part storm. Most snow otg at any point was 12-13. Tremendous event for so late in the season even for up here.
  6. Coming down nicely with small flakes and low visibility. Inch an hour rates. Looks to be around 3 inches.
  7. Moderate/Heavy snow. All surfaces covered. Windy and 32. Close to an inch.
  8. Here's a little food for thought on how quickly this has transformed into a debacle of a winter. Our quick relax turned into a short reload which in turn became a long 4 week shift into a shut out warm pattern. Then to put more into perspective, once the pattern flipped to bad on roughly Jan. 22nd, our next chance for frozen is next weekend and that gives a 4-5 week stretch during peak climo where most of us won't have seen one flake in a Nino no less. Think about that for a minute! Not one flake from Jan 21st to Feb 20th and that's assuming we see something next weekend. I still think everyone sees measurable snow at least 2 more times but unless there's a MECS this will go down as another awful winter. I could even make an argument for how our 1 good week of winter was really underachieving but I digress. Not to mention the Jan. 6th storm that looked like a lock for several inches in my area and ended up less than an inch. Since Nov. 1st 2022 my location has received less than 15 total inches. I'll take snow anytime no matter how big or small of an event. I don't need a big dog to be happy but this current stretch were in since the 3rd week of January is simply awful. According to the teleconnections from now until Feb. 23rd we will have a very negative EPO along with a negative AO and NAO and we can't even get a sub freezing day for a high. I suppose there's still some confusion and models will figure things out and maybe have a clearer picture to a victory and quite possibly a much colder look in the 5-10. There are some encouraging looks for March but we know how that goes. Holding out hope for strong end game!
  9. Don't ever feel ashamed to meet anyone. Like you said just keep trying to be a better poster and continue learning. Try not to take it so personal when someone calls you out. Just shake it off. That comes with age. Now that I'm over 50 I have a much different view opposed to 15-20 years ago. You're a true winter and snow lover and that's great because they are WAY too many Debs and trolls here!!
  10. I think because you have had many "confrontations" for a lack of a better term, you've become overly defensive, so maybe you try to avoid that and in doing so your post become too scripted and they come off as you're begging for acceptance or agreement. That's my best view. Again, I think you have a lot to offer this community but for instance in your earlier post why mention negative thoughts on next year. You've already done that at least several times. No need to go there again.
  11. The last thing I want to do is insult you so don't take this the wrong way. You seem like a very nice person and give off a kindness and there's definitely a need for that on this board but you simply try too hard and that leads to incredible annoyance.
  12. I've been thinking the same thing. Just getting caught up on everything as I'm finally on my feet again after a rough bout with the flu. I don't see how we avoid a serious shot or 2 of real arctic air. Teleconnections look amazing and are all lining up. This period coming up looks to be centered about 15 days later than 2010 and about 15-20 days earlier than 2018. Snow amounts always a wildcard but a sustained 3-4 week run of solid winter looking likely.
  13. Marty Shottenheimer went 14-2 and lost in the divisional round to NE I believe and was consequently fired. I think it was the 2006 season. That season we were the number 2 seed and lost to Indy 15-6. Had we won we would’ve hosted the ADC championship game.
  14. 100 percent! Total lack of composure and professionalism the players demonstrated. The Chiefs 1st 2 drives caused an early panic to ensue. Not a trait championship teams posses. Lamar clearly is not a composed veteran. Pressure of the situation limited his ability to think clearly and perform physically. He showed brain freeze on multiple occasions. For lack of a better term he choked under pressure. Now every big game in the future will continue mounting pressure. All that will be talked about leading up to future playoff games will be how is Lamar going to handle himself and can he perform under the brightest lights. The answer in my opinion is the coaching staff must limit his opportunities to make huge mistakes. Playoff football is different from regular season. In the regular season let Lamar be Lamar to a degree but in the playoffs he needs to become a game manager assuming we still have a high level defense. It's like the Harbaugh and the other coaches let their egos take over. We're going to prove to the world we can pass all over a great defensive with arguably the 2 best corners in the game despite having the best running attack in football. Look at Mahomes, as great as he is he knew his offense's limitations so what did he and Reid do? They had Mahomes manage the game. Mahomes only threw 1 deep shot and that was the last play for 32 yards. Reid and Mahomes utilized the outstanding defensive and kicker and let the other team make the critical mistakes. I never really cared for Harbaugh personally. I think he's an ahole and a phony and sounds so corny with his combining faith and religion with football. For someone akways preaching Christianity I've witnessed him treat people like crap far too often but with that being said I think he's a really good coach in terms of running the team, motivating players and teaching technique. I have never been someone to call for his firing. Im fine with him continuing as head coach but at some point a change in messaging and philosophy from a new leader will be inevitable The players apparently like him and play hard for him but he always falls short measuring up to the other top coaches as far as scheme and in game adjustments. His in fame decisions and taking points off the board by not taking advantage of Tucker and passing on sure field goals has cost us several big games. His clock manage has improved over the years but he too often has a look a total confusion when the camera pans to him. He's also had some very questionable challenges. I'm most disappointed in his lack of ability to mentally prepare his team for yesterday's games. How easily his team fell for KC's mind games. I'm sure will be a solid team again next year but come playoffs the same recurring theme will resurface. On a positive note it sure is good to have a team that's in the conversation every year and that shouldn't be taking for granted.
  15. Pretty sure I recorded over 18 inches in each individual month from December through March and broke 90 inches for a total.
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