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Everything posted by WeatherMonger

  1. ILX already talking about next week, probably a bit premature to be mentioning it a week out.
  2. Officially goes down here as an estimated 5.2" which set a daily snowfall record. Looking outside this morning cannot argue with the total, but kinda surprised an estimate can go into records.
  3. Waiting on this final band to come through, hope it holds intensity.
  4. It's absolutely ripping snow right now, good sized flakes as well
  5. I don't know for certain that they did, but on my 3 outings today I don't recall seeing any mail trucks. Tracking still says out for delivery so we'll see. Never used to happen regardless of weather, was one of the motto's they actually prided themselves with
  6. Rain, sleet and snow today. Think they pulled mail carriers from their routes, going to have to change their motto... . Kinda sucks as the carburetor for my snow blower was scheduled to be delivered today.
  7. Just got back from the store, roads are surprisingly pretty bad already. That sleet laid down a layer that pretty much negated the pretreatment. Warm truck is already coated over again.
  8. Moderate to heavy snow now, finally get to enjoy one from start to finish. Usually at work or have to go to bed for work.
  9. Just switched from steadily pouring small flakes to large flakes. Already coating the salted walks
  10. Winds starting to crank up now, like a sandblaster blowing all that sleet off the roof.
  11. Just shoveled the walks and salted them, only one other person out clearing the sleet before it freezes solid beneath the snow. Also got that crap off my truck windshield and hood. Some flakes are mixing in now.
  12. Thought it was still raining, looked out the window and solid coating of sleet on the ground.
  13. ILX late morning update Latest HREF guidance continues to support high probabilities of snowfall rates of 1-2 inches per hour late morning through afternoon, roughly along a Pittsfield to Bloomington line. West central Illinois may see 2+" rates around midday. No changes were made to the headlines or snow amounts at this time
  14. Steady freezing rain now, just got back from Menards and sides of truck have a coating of ice. No buildup at all on pavement, probably salt the walks and drive wge. It switches to sleet/snow.
  15. Just went out and raised my wipers on my truck. Had been a drizzle but not much going on now. Radar has it just about here, metal surfaces had a slight glaze so will definitely freeze om contact on elevated surfaces. See Jacksonville at 31 and light snow so hopefully a quick changeover.
  16. I always watched the Bozo Show waiting for the list to pop up.
  17. ILX mentioning potential for thundersnow and possible upgrade to Blizard Warning should heavy snowfall rates and winds coincide this afternoon.
  18. Gonna call bust here 4" when all is said and done.
  19. Have a couple pie plate sized snow patches left. All drifts and plow mounds gone in my yard. See where we stand tomorrow night
  20. Didn't realize you weren't in the warnings, hopefully it over performs there, been awhile since we've had back to back I72 systems.
  21. Wonder how the overnight and tomorrow severe weather is going to hinder moisture transport, really didn't have to worry about it 2 weeks ago.
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