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Everything posted by josh_4184

  1. Eh, I don't live near a lake, so wouldn't get much use, SxS's can be used on my property for plowing, hauling, and even trail riding granted not as fun as a sled, but if I was in a heated cab would complain to much. Grasping at straws but GFS V3 long range has some snow at least for the UP. Wont verify but at least it looks better then the GFS and Euro showing the monsoons...
  2. Yea sucks to lose 1/3 of the riding season at least before any meaningful winter weather could arrive. I haven't even had to snowblow/shovel my property yet and probably wont have to for quite some time which is unheard for my area. Glad I didn't buy a new sled or spend any money on gear etc this year. I keep saying it every year that I am going to sell my sleds and buy a couple side x sides, this season I may actually go through with it. I then can get use 12 months a year. Hard to justify buying a 12k+ sled to use only 4 months a year if that.
  3. You definitely picked a great year to head south as Hell week this year is not going to happen (feel bad for the businesses) , maybe small portion of the UP but if their is any snow will be toast with every rider heading that way. Hopefully Mid-Jan we can get some snow, but EL-Nino winters are historically pretty bad for Norther Lower.
  4. Not looking all that great for the next couple weeks, hoping it turns around towards the end of the month or Xmas-New Years may be a wash. Haven't even fired my sled up yet....
  5. Yea gonna be a few weeks at least, the past few years we have had decent starts to the season with a torch towards xmas hopefully this year we can get some consistent cold/LES towards end of December into Jan
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