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Everything posted by josh_4184

  1. Yea that area is definitely not pristine outdoor living for Northern Mi standards. Also the snow differences is rather stark for that area heading east towards Mancelonna and towards my area. Are you looking for just property or a house as well, there are several parcels and even some houses available near my neck of the woods which would probably be more in line with what your looking for??
  2. I know the that area very well pass it everyday as I have an office in East Jordan. Snowfall is just okay in that area, I wold say they do alright for snowfall, however once you get towards Mancelonna the snowfall picks ups quite a bit, there is a decent elevation change as EJ is kind of in a ditch. Same way towards Bo's old stopping grounds as that area always has more snow on the ground then EJ area. I'd say my area probably almost sees 50-75 percent more on average. Now regarding other outdoor activities there are plenty of Lakes nearby, obviously Lake Charlevoix being a big attraction. Just take M66 up towards Charlevoix its a beautiful area along with some amazing houses along the lake. There is great hiking and biking in the area as well, snowmobiling towards Jordan valley is a great area, I'm sure you been there before and towards DeadMans Hill?? Also property is fairly cheap, taxes are okay, if you hunt it is a very good area for Deer, Turkey, etc. But just keep you expectations tempered especially regarding LES as it does fall short to other areas only 30-40 miles as away. For example I have about 22" OTG at my house and EJ maybe has 8" OTG currently. Although they can get hammered in a NNW flow or SW flow if the bands align just right (Both rare flows for Northern Mi).
  3. Picked up about 6" imby, nice to see the white stuff fly again been a very quiet couple weeks.
  4. Not sure how APX is getting the depths for UP, but its pretty close for my area give a couple inches here or there.
  5. I'm around 100" on the year about average surprisingly given the lack of any decent LES outbreaks yet, been a lot of 3-5" events. Many areas are below or barely at normal for the year. UP looking pretty good so far, those cutters earlier in the year really aided many areas.
  6. Thanks Bo, lol no its our Address sign/ name sign, most homes in this area have them as the driveways are so long making it difficult to see the house address numbers. Actually we don't even have any numbers on our house anyhow. So no plans on moving just yet
  7. Ended up with around 12", if the LES would of panned out would of been better. Still looks like mid winter p here finally. around 20-22" OTG. Took about 2 1/2 hours to clean up the property. Haven't posed much pics this winter as been busy with family and renovations. But did take some today.
  8. Picked up about 10" since last night, had a brief band come though around 1:00 PM that was easily 2.5 - 3" per hour rates to bad it only lasted about 25mins. LES has been ongoing the last couple hours, if we can stay in a WNW flow could see another 6-10" by tomorrow afternoon, but many models are showing the 850 to veer more NNW or even NE by late tonight - tomorrow.
  9. I have about 18"OTG Im near LON and we have more than main Gaylord per usual. As you can imagine I was out this evening running errands in town and their are a Ton of sledders already up here I fully expect the trails this weekend to be a zoo. I think 3-6" tonight-tomorrow then another 6-12 Saturday through Monday. My area does realty well with a NW or WNW flow setup which we will have a pretty prolonged event.
  10. Wow more than halfway through winter and the LES thread is barely 2 pages still, very sad indeed. It does look like we may have a true LES outbreak beginning Sat Night and lasting through early next week. MLK riders will be happy im sure as we already picked up 4-5 inches since last night , another 6-8"+ from the system Fri-Sat then another 8-12" easy with LES definitely the best it has been all year and likely though remainder of winter. Have about 16-18" OTG now , should hit season high for depth by Tuesday.
  11. APX going way more conservative/general with its graphics package,
  12. Starting snowing pretty heavy around 7:00 PM, picked up about 4" so far.
  13. Should be a good next week for riding for Northern Mich and the UP....
  14. True its a tough call, GRR seems pretty bullish on ice somewhere even mentioned thunder ice which would be pretty rare impressive to see.
  15. Southern Mich better gas up the ole' generators if the ice were to verify even half of what its outputting.
  16. Been there on sleds before, not a bad place, a little pricey and not many tables but food was good. Picked up about a 7" since yesterday have about 18-20" otg atm surprising considering how bad its been this year. May get some decent system snow depending on this weekends storm which would be good timing for the upcoming presidents day weekend.
  17. Even where I live wasn't worth the cost of the machines, maintenance, gear, licensing,permits to use so little. Bought a SxS and will be buying a couple pwc's this spring to use at our seasonal campground. First winter in 8 years where I haven't really spent much attention on snow or lack of snow and its been a nice reprieve. I still like the snow but now it doesn't really have any impact on my hobbies now has been nice. I figured if I wanted to ever sled would just go to the Rockies and rent a mountain sled,hotel.
  18. No, probably about the same, didn't see any real meaningful snows (By Gaylord Stds) until Jan. We did pickup about 10" the other night but besides that just been a lot of rain/sleet to snow on the back end. Although we are around average for the year but certainly hasn't felt like it.
  19. Hey All Been away for quite a while, been pretty busy with work/family. Weather sure has been pretty ho hum in the snow and LES especially my area, most systems have been about 75 miles to far to my NW and haven't had much LES. Looks like a picked a great time to sell the snowmobiles last summer. You know its been a bad start when the LES thread is still on the same first page and its almost Jan.
  20. Um no, snowblower still in repair shop not ready for this sh#t yet lol
  21. Here's a comment below the story: You are very lucky those other riders reported you or you would have died. How far off trail were your sleds or were you stuck in drifts on the trail?
  22. Wow, glad you made it out, did you plan on riding your sled during the blizzard? I went out for about 5 mins and turned around and went home on Sunday, it was nasty, heck even got my sled stuck at the end of my street.
  23. Granted this is in fantasy range but this is a nice look for the Northwoods going into the 3rd week of Jan
  24. Not all snow belts have had the same results as the Keweenaw unfortunately, my area is almost 3' down for the year so far, lot of businesses hurting pretty badly right now, but looks to perhaps turn around the next few weeks we shall see.
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