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Everything posted by josh_4184

  1. Only picked up a couple inches last night, my office got dumped on, close to 2' overnight. Next couple days more favorable for my area. P@C showing 23".
  2. Wonder if I will get clipped from the meso should be some intense snow rates.
  3. Just picked up about 6" of wet cement LES in about 3 1/2 hrs at my office in East Jordan.
  4. I was asking if the Petoskey event was a SSW I really didn't know lol only guessed.
  5. Latest HHR pretty bullish for my area 25"+ est HHR pretty bullish for my area 25"+
  6. For Petoskey event what 850 flow was that predominantly? SSW? SSW for my area is minimal impact. Need a NW or WNW.
  7. Agreed nothing good in Wisconsin anyway
  8. Yea if Lake Michigan was only 200 miles wider
  9. Northern Mi LES little League, WNY LES Big League
  10. LES belts look to get hammered through through the weekend. Pretty strong / entertaining AFD from APX. Map just through Friday morning
  11. Hey guys still around now and then been pretty busy. Hope to be on here more this winter, that also depends on how arrive our winter unfolds past few years hasn't been worth the effort. This coming weekend setup looks pretty decent for my area, WNY Belts look to get pretty slammed looking forward to the pics Buff. Really haven't bothered with an LES thread past couple years just been mainly Bo and myself and as I said LES been pretty lacking, don't think people have much interest in 1-3" events and sub 100" totals for the year.
  12. Yea I realize that we don't see many storms to this magnitude, but I do feel like NWS and SPC kind of played it to conservative with their headlines and messaging prior to the storms firing ahead of the cold front. Most of gaylord proper still without power, many businesses along M32 sustained some damage to extensive, going to take a while to rebuild. I feel horrible for the families in the trailer park who lost love ones. Was watching it on radar from work and one I say this hook I was in disbelief never seen anything remotely close to this in this area.
  13. Per 10AM conf, tornado was on the ground approx 26 mins. I also need to update my previous post, apparently Gaylord APX was able to send a code red alert to all phones in the area regarding the warning I must have been to far away to get the alert.
  14. APX still reviewing the damage, haven't been able to access all the damaged areas due to power lines, damage, etc obstructing. Drove by the area that I could get to and have to say I was pretty shocked the damage, when I was watching this on radar I seen the path it was taking and was very concerned where it was headed. Not many know as its been hidden more and more over the years due to development but their is a trailer park (Notingham) situated directly between several business developments, tornado tracked directly over that, I am assuming this is where many of the injuries have occurred. Frankly surprised their haven't been more reported deaths yet. Since moving to Northern Michigan this is the 3rd tornado to have hit in my relative area, the other two were weaker tornadoes EF0/1 and hit relatively low pop areas which is expected in Northern Mi. But having a strong tornado track right down M32 in the heart of the new business section is quite remarkable. Gaylord is a great community, will rebound quickly, but this was definitely a wakeup call to my family. My work is about 28 miles from where the storm caused the most significant damage, I was more concerned with how close the developing tornado passed towards my daughters school. They did execute their tornado drill even though it was only severe warned at that time, which I must admit I think APX was a little slow issuing the warning for that cell. It was already showing all signs of rotating near her school which is about 20 miles due West of Gaylord. APX also sent up a special balloon shortly before the storm reached the area which was indeed showing fairly impressive parameters especially for northern Michigan standards. Most cities in Northern Michigan do not have weather sirens, but I feel in this age they are not needed as better alerting methods exist, I do feel that their needs to be more effort in developing the cellular alert system to push emergency alerts as that's the only way to reach as many people as possible prior to a potentially dangerous storm impacting that particular area. If they implement this for amber alerts, terror alerts, etc why can't it be developed for severe weather? Approx. 7 min warning is not enough time, this day a doge it hasn't improved hardly at all since the inception of Doppler radar, surely we can do better. Its easy to armchair quarterback post event but I hope all NWS's can use this especially APX and learn what they did well but more imprudently what can be done better.
  15. If this happens 1 hour later I would of been right there in that spot as I pass that area every Friday. Storm passed by a few miles north of my daughters school.
  16. Hit 91 imby was enjoying every moment of it. Pretty crazy temp drop for TC yesterday when the lake Mich AC kicked in. We did torch for May pretty crazy temps for this area.
  17. Down to 19 last night, winter snow banks finally gone, that 77 degree day Sat did them in. Had about 3" otg yesterday but with the high sun angle even through dense cloud cover it didn't last much past early afternoon. Like everyone else these 10-20 below normal temps and rain/snow/wind is beyond frustrating. We don't get much spring up here anyway but even this pattern is beyond ridiculous. Looks like another 1-2 weeks of this crap.
  18. 100 Percent Agreed, this year has been worst then others very sick of clouds and staring at this ugly rock hard ice pack that we have had since last November. Dont know how Bo does it in the UP his cover is deeper and longer. The snow birds def have it right for Michigan.
  19. Nice Pics Bo, jealous, really disappointing that NWL hasn't had anything remote to a decent winter the past few years. it is what is though. Was hoping we could get something from that system showed promise early but went to far north same story either to far south or north. I'm not surprised your contractor said that about your roof as I'm sure most houses were built to handle the snow load. Even in my area the stick built homes are built strong on the roof/trusses, I was shocked how may supports/braces my roof had when I went in my attic. Makes it a bear walking around up there with all the braces everywhere. I would be okay with having 5-6' on my roof without thinking anything of it, not that I would ever see that down here in troll land
  20. You know its been a bad couple of winters when APX is issuing winter storm warnings for 3-6" of snow . Nice to see some fresh white to go along with our glacier.
  21. Yea I feel the same way, I have ridden in good snow imby quite a bit though end of March early April but that was several years back. Definitely don't like the tends for weather /climo in this area. Hence why I already go rid of most my winter sports toys and moved towards camping and boating. Would like to get a sxs as well as that is path forward even though in winter not nearly as fun as a sled. But you can use a sxs all year, in my area you maybe have 1-2 months of sledding. Although these areas will need to change their laws and regulations regarding atvsxs as most aren't permitted of many trail systems up here. I think in the next several years that will begin to change as businesses start voicing their frustrations.
  22. The UP has no reason to complain this year, LES been great up there along with a couple synoptic events. Northern Lower needs some snow especially for the businesses and is more than due. The past few years have been brutal, unless your a ski resort and can make it.
  23. Euro trying to throw Northern Mi a bone next week.
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