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Posts posted by Snowstorms

  1. 35 minutes ago, Torchageddon said:

    I'm very surprised Toronto got to 95 yesterday, I only got to 83. The early evening got cool and dry.

    I agree, I'm surprised myself. Maybe it's the UHI? 

    Not even Windsor has hit 35C this year. Toronto has hit it twice. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Torchageddon said:

    Too bad that was just a (predictable) fantasy. 15 Hrs of sun per day = pipe dream. I think last night the skies were partly obscured by wildfire smoke.

    So far I'm at 27C/81F / 3C/37F - RH is very low at 20%. Still a stiff breeze from the south. Very good but 29C with this dewpoint and winds is perfect for me.

    How is midwestern Ontario in the mid 20's but Toronto can't even crack 20C? :lol::( 

    For my American friends, 20C is 68F. We haven't even hit that yet. 

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  3. 58 minutes ago, michsnowfreak said:

    Trees rapidly blooming now. We will be warm but not nearly as warm as Chicago this week. 

    Yeah same here but still behind schedule. Cherry blossom trees are near peak. 

    Thurs/Fri looking really warm for your area. Env. Canada forecasting 84F both days in Windsor. 

  4. 12 hours ago, snowstormcanuck said:

    After Tuesday's surprise snowfall, YYZ up to 63.1" of snowfall for the winter.  Anything 60+ here is elite.

    2021-2022 will go down as YYZ's 13th snowiest winter on record. If we get another 2", it'll be 9th snowiest. 

  5. 2 hours ago, snowstormcanuck said:

    Really needed a death band to get those higher #s to materialize.  Still, low-end warning criteria snow after  buckets of rain ain't bad.

    I agree. The best rates were between 12-2am. Too bad it didn't last. But nice storm nonetheless.

    A few cm tonight with that clipper. Sounding's look impressive, wouldn't be surprised to see a rumble or two locally. Whiteouts possible with winds near 60 km/hr. 

  6. 2 hours ago, snowstormcanuck said:

    Yeah, I agree.  Rain-to-snow events always make me shy away from the higher end numbers.  6-8" seems like a high probability.

    I agree. We have good model consensus now so 15-25cm (6-10") seems like a high probability. Was looking at the soundings and there's a lot of impressive lift too. I wouldn't rule out seeing 1-3"/hr rates for a couple hours Thursday night. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, michsnowfreak said:

    9"+ snowstorms are not as common as you would think, I think the midwest is a 1 to 6" climate in general with the occasional bigger storm. Contrary to that 1 poster's incorrect assumption, Detroit having 4 snowstorms of 9" and the last 5 years is actually very good and more than most cities in the region. It would take a bit of research but I wouldn't imagine only a handful of 9"+ storms are seen per decade at any one local.  Detroit has had 11 in the past 15 years but that includes some stellar Winters. If you lower the bar to 8"+ you're adding quite a few more to the pile.

    I did some stat checking. I'd say you and I are almost in the same boat. We've had 4 9"+ snowstorms in Toronto since 2017, including one just 2 weeks ago. Since 2007-08, we've had 14 in total. 

    Detroit's been a snow magnet over the past 15 years haha. 

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