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Everything posted by Snowstorms

  1. The ONI is more widely used to categorize ENSO events, but I prefer MEI as it takes into consideration more variables. The 2010-11 La Nina was the last strong Nina event. The coldest anomalies were centered around Region 1+2 and 3 as opposed to Region 4, atleast in the beginning. So there is a chance we could see a pretty healthy La Nina event if the upwelling continues. Haven't dug deep into this year's ENSO event but will be doing so over the next few weeks. Your posts are always informative, great work!
  2. Based on your last post, the latest 20C ever recorded at UW was May 14, which was yesterday. I'm assuming you haven't cracked it yet which makes way for a new record this year. It's only 12:30 pm, so there's a good chance UW can crack 20C if the Sun comes out. That would further increase instability for potential pop-up thunderstorms this afternoon. I'm assuming you're a fan of torches, so this is probably the worst kind of weather for you. What a shitty year.
  3. It finally cracked 60F. This is the warmest temperature we've seen since May 3 in Toronto. Sunny day tomorrow with a high around 68F. We have yet to crack 70F lol. Shit climo
  4. On a side note, we're seeing some pretty impressive sub-surface cooling across the ENSO regions which continue to make there way to the surface thanks to an eastward propagating oceanic Kelvin wave. Looks like another strong easterly wind burst is on the way and if this persists through-out the month and into June, it'll aide in the rapid development of a La Nina. If we transition into a La Nina much sooner rather than later, we could be looking at a warm summer across much of the region along with a potentially active hurricane season. Let's see!
  5. Got down to -3C (26.6F) last night at YYZ breaking the old record of -1.7C (28.9F) set back in 1967. 7 sub-freezing lows this month after going nearly 2 decades without one. After 5 consecutive days with highs in the 40's, we've finally cracked 50F, and hopefully for good. Still below normal for today and tom tho. Above avg temps begin after the long weekend.
  6. YYZ recorded 1.1" yesterday. May 2020 is now the snowiest May ever recorded at YYZ. That brings our winter total up to 56.1". Fookin crazy! Got down to 25F last night breaking the previous record of 28F set back in 1939. History has been made. Now it's time for summer.
  7. I agree. Rare to see this type of cold in May especially at night. We'll likely dip to ~25F tonight if skies clear up. Going to look into that. Remember in some winters we saw our first measurable snow by mid October. I think our earliest ever would have to be in 1965-66. First measurable snow: Oct 28, last May 12 = 197 days. Edit: Second half of May 1966 was much warmer and we seem to be on the same path this year. Also a Nino year, albeit much stronger.
  8. What a time. I suspect YYZ will come in ~1.5cm for today. I doubt we'll beat May 1976. I remember at the end of April, I was a bit frustrated we couldn't crack 140cm (55.1"), as we fell short by a mere 0.8cm at YYZ. As of yesterday, we were only 0.4cm away and after today we'll likely cross 140cm. YYZ will end up recording more snow in May than April. Don't think that's ever happened even going back to 1840. 2020 is on a serious roll. I wouldn't be shocked to see snow in June, or even worse, as early as September.
  9. The most May snow ever recorded at YYZ was 2.3cm back in 1976. Prior to that, you'd have to go back to May 1923 where Toronto recorded 3.8cm (1.5"). I doubt we'll beat May 1976 even with the potential clipper snow. A majority of the precip will likely fall in the afternoon and daytime heating won't allow for any accumulations. Unprecedented times were living in. On a side note, let's not forget the records we broke back in early November. Rare to see that much snow and cold temperatures so early in the season.
  10. And we were only 0.9C away from breaking the all-time record set back in 1966. A few more sub-zero lows to get through before we see some warmer weather later next week just in time for the long weekend. Been seeing on and off snow flurries all day today. Curious to know if YYZ ends up recording more than a trace today. We recorded 0.4cm back in May 2013.
  11. B.C. has the best weather in all of Canada. Check out Vancouver's forecast for this weekend. Mid 70s and sunshine. Can't get much better than that. https://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/bc-74_metric_e.html Interior B.C. can get really hot in the summer. 90s and even 100s in JJA. And its predominately dry heat as opposed to our humid heat in the east.
  12. Thailand was a nice experience. I went to both Bangkok and Phuket but unfortunately missed out on Chiang Mai. I had plans to go to Europe, including Paris, this summer but that all got thrown out because of this virus. Consider yourself lucky, you got out before things escalated. The Prairies can get pretty hot. Some of Canada's hottest temps were recorded out in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Those chinook winds can warm up Calgary even in winter and it's the sunniest city in Canada. Windsor is Canada's real hot spot. For example, just a few days ago it was a balmy 26C (78F) in Windsor but only 15C (60F) in Toronto. That's a 10 degree difference and we're only 365km (225 miles) away. I prefer B.C. weather over anything else in Canada. Sure it rains alot in winter, but their summers are beautiful. As the saying goes, the west coast is the best coast.
  13. I've experienced real humidity when I went to Thailand and dry desert heat when I went to Vegas and Palm Springs, CA. I prefer dry heat, it’s much more tolerable. We average 16 days a year at or above 30C. 32C + is not as common either. The lake keeps us cool through-out the summer which is why sometimes you might see clouds sitting overtop the city on those hot summer days as opposed to the countryside. Let's look back at a few years to see how many 30C days YYZ recorded. 2019: 13 (1/13 above 32C) 2018: 30 (11/30 above 32C) 2017: 13 (4/13 above 32C) 2016: 38 (18/38 above 32C) <<< about as hot as it gets 2015: 14 (5/14 above 32C) 2014: 7 (1/7 above 32C) << cold summer 2013: 15 (7/15 above 32C) Just to give you a perspective of our climate. The summers are not as hot as you think. Most days are 30-32C which isn't even 90F.
  14. You're in the wrong city, matter of fact, wrong country if you're seeking "90-100F+ blowtorches". 100F rarely happens in Toronto. The last time was in 2011 and before that was back in 2001, I believe.
  15. 1816 redux. Let's get it. not
  16. Now that you mention it, a friend of mine got stung by a yellow jacket on his head on that exact weekend last year near his cottage. Was not a pretty sight.
  17. All of spring 2019 (Mar-May) into early June sucked lol. I find this is nature's way of balancing things out. Let's not forget all the record warm May's from 2010-2016 and 2018. A string of cold May's was inevitable. Well I hope you can get out today. It's finally 20C (70F). The next two weeks will likely stay below 70F.
  18. Looks like we might have our first shot at 70F tomorrow lol. The last time it was 70F at YYZ was October 7. In other words, it's been 208 days since the last time we hit 70F making it the 4th longest streak ever. If we don't hit 70F tomorrow, we'll be in 2nd place by Tuesday. Can't get much worse than that tbh.
  19. Just a few stats at YYZ. Total precip: 1.61" (avg is 2.70") - driest April since 2012 Max temp: 58.6F - coldest April maximum temperature ever Min temp: 23.3F Mean temp for the month: 42.6F (-2.2F below avg) Overall conclusion: Another garbage April.
  20. Uhhhh... no! The next time I want to see snow is Nov. I'm ready for bbq season (at home ofc).
  21. 28 days into the month and the warmest temperature YYZ has recorded is ~59F. Although there's 2 more days left, its looking unlikely we'll beat that. If so, it'll be the lowest maximum temperature ever recorded in April. On another note, it's been 205 days since the last time YYZ hit 68-70F (20C). The weekend looks comparatively mild, but if we can avoid hitting 68F until after next Tuesday, we'll be in 2nd place. 1st place will be tough to beat as it stands at 243 days back in 1977-78. Almost seems like an anomaly compared to the others.
  22. We're currently sitting at 1.25" for the month. We average 2.70" in April. This will be our driest April since 2016 too. Quite the difference between Southern Ohio and Southern ON/SE Michigan.
  23. It's been surprisingly dry. A dry April was bound to happen at some point especially when you consider the last few April's. I believe 2018 was the wettest April on record. Sucks we couldn't cash in a couple more cm's in March and April. YYZ fell short of 140cm by 0.8cm.
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