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Everything posted by Snowstorms

  1. Yes the entire season. Surprisingly, we were only 13.4" away from surpassing 2007-08.
  2. 2021-2022 will go down as YYZ's 13th snowiest winter on record. If we get another 2", it'll be 9th snowiest.
  3. Surprise snow event across the GTA today associated with a fast moving disturbance. Wouldn't be surprised to see 2-3" when all is said and done.
  4. I agree. The best rates were between 12-2am. Too bad it didn't last. But nice storm nonetheless. A few cm tonight with that clipper. Sounding's look impressive, wouldn't be surprised to see a rumble or two locally. Whiteouts possible with winds near 60 km/hr.
  5. Measured 6.4" this morning in my backyard.
  6. I agree. We have good model consensus now so 15-25cm (6-10") seems like a high probability. Was looking at the soundings and there's a lot of impressive lift too. I wouldn't rule out seeing 1-3"/hr rates for a couple hours Thursday night.
  7. Feeling more confident with 6-8" for the GTA with this event. Latest guidance has shifted the freezing rain/ice pellet risk further south towards Hamilton/Niagara but some uncertainty still remains. The cold high in Northern Ontario could help too.
  8. Went for a walk yesterday just outside Toronto. Beautiful sunny day with temperatures around 30F.
  9. Got about 6" give or take since yesterday. Solid snow cover now. I'd say I'm at 13" in my backyard.
  10. I did some stat checking. I'd say you and I are almost in the same boat. We've had 4 9"+ snowstorms in Toronto since 2017, including one just 2 weeks ago. Since 2007-08, we've had 14 in total. Detroit's been a snow magnet over the past 15 years haha.
  11. YYZ only recorded ~5.0" with that storm. We had another storm in Nov 2020 which dropped more.
  12. I believe it was Nov 1940. YYZ recorded 41.1cm/16.2". Edit: Jan 1966. YYZ recorded 43.9cm/17.3"
  13. The Nov 2020 storm was good. Widespread 7-9". Biggest Nov storm since 2002 and biggest one day total since Nov 1950.
  14. Would you say the Euro did well too? The NAM flip-flopped a lot run to run.
  15. Some light - moderate snow right now across Toronto. Looks like an inch already.
  16. Not surprised at YYZ's numbers anymore. I'm surprised with all the meteorologists in Ontario, they don't complain about YYZ's reporting and don't do anything about it. Regardless, Toronto will remember it as a top 5 or top 10 historic storm.
  17. I was in Ottawa a week ago. Seems like you guys needed the snow relative to your average too. So that's awesome.
  18. Same for me. Many places around my area recorded between 17-21". Amazing storm, glad it pull through. It's too bad YYZ only recorded 13.5". What a joke.
  19. I went for a small drive. Roads are a mess but even eye balling you can tell its well over >14". Some localized areas in Toronto got 20-24". The downtown station recorded nearly 5" in one hour.
  20. 6 straight hours of +SN at YYZ only to finish with a whopping 9" lol. Though other stations all recorded between 14-18" with this storm.
  21. Yeah YYZ is a joke. As of 12pm they had 12" (32cm). I measured 17", could be more because it certainly feels like it. Most places in Toronto saw between 15-20".
  22. As of 12pm YYZ reported 12.6" (32cm). Might add on another inch or two once it's all said and done so no, it'll fall short of that record cause YYZ is lol. But most places in Toronto saw between 15-20", some locally higher. I measured 17".
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