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Everything posted by JJBASHB

  1. It was partially tongue in cheek. Clearing rapidly moved in that morning behind the storms vs today which is much slower and messier. 1 inch hail at 830 am was fun.
  2. June 1, 2011 had morning activity. but it was legit am severe as the EML moved into the area, IIRC.
  3. Didn’t last too long/didn’t quite get there. Pretty good for 0600.
  4. I did, with my roommates (parents, haha). Moved up to Manchester/Bedford and work in Portsmouth now. Hoping to find a nice house on a hill at 1-2K. Going back to Ashburnham is on the table but I’d have to jump ship and work in Devens.
  5. 7.5 inches in Bedford, Nh. Heavy snow in this band. Accumulations slowed in the lull, but this has to be 2 inch an hour. Huge aggregates. Travel is a nightmare down by my parents/rt 2 area. My dad brought up 78. Says there’s more snow and it’s heavier. They stopped plowing and there is around a foot on the road so they’re stuck. Shotgun blasts, which is impressive because they’ve had a lot of storms prune the weaker branches this year. Still have power luckily, but it’s flickering a lot, and the wires to the house are sagging into the snow. Definitely a top storm for them. Love it.
  6. A couple more from my parent’s house. Ashburnham ~1100’
  7. From my parents in Ashburnham this morning ~1100’.
  8. Just measured 4”. Bedford, NH ~300 ft
  9. Maybe downsloping off the Wapack range to the northeast? It does line up pretty well with the shadow of the hills through Ashburnham and Westminster (Watatic to Wachusett). It isn’t a huge drop to the west though. ~200 feet
  10. Snow for the past hour in Bedford, NH. I’m close to the Manchester line at ~300 feet. It’s struggling to accumulate, still, but there is a solid coating on cars/grassy surfaces. Pavement is mostly wet.
  11. Eyeballing 0.5” to at most an 1” in Manchester, Nh this morning, light snow at the moment.
  12. The high tension wire tower is 0.2 miles away. Getting good out there.
  13. Still some snow mixing in on the Manchester/Bedford line but the flip is here.
  14. Same here. The best thing to do use that energy to help impacted communities and mitigate future potential.
  15. The poor taste part is fair. I think the debate comes down to: to me there is no difference between being enthusiastic about atmospheric events like blizzards and severe when it comes to “poor taste.” Both are equally poor if you want to parse details enough and get into that pissing match. School shootings are on a completely different level, too. Completely off the scale in realm of poor taste.
  16. It’s definitely weird/hypocritical for winter weather enthusiasts to call out severe enthusiasts. Is there a moral high ground? Also, does it matter? Severe doesn’t happen because people enjoy it. We could all hope it never happens and it still would.
  17. Pessimistic eyeballing on my part. They have about 250' on me.
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