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Everything posted by outflow

  1. Four possible exposure sites in my county listed today, all bars, after multiple people test positive who were on a party bus that visited each location the 11th.
  2. there wasnt a person on earth on july 18th 2019 that thought we would be anywhere close to what is happening in the world today. The machine shop i work at had for over a year had been making plans to get out of a high volume low profit line of automotive parts. The end date for the work was mid 2020 there after everyone working those machines would be put in other areas of one of the two buildings on other more profitable work lower volume work. Well 2020 came around with its disastrous attitude and instead of these people being moved to other work many are out of a job since that work slowed to a crawl. My shift of 13 people is down to 4. Im sure the story is similar elsewhere but like you said no one foresaw this occurring. The effects of covid alone cost these people there jobs which otherwise would have been safe.
  3. The fact that this is a legit question,and in early july none the less. just shows how strange 2020 has been so far
  4. Have a GHD level event this winter and i guarantee the coldmistas will have sticky underwear as well....
  5. Going to get extremely dry here in the thumb of mi with no precipitation in the next 7 days at least. Grass is already getting pretty brown and some of the corn crop is getting pretty stressed.
  6. The typical thunderstorm is only several miles wide, the worst conditions maybe a mile or two wide, combine that with a specific location say a town that is a couple miles square and the odds of getting struck are actually quite small. Really it isnt uncommon at all to miss an event and for this area that already has limited opportunities that can lead to some pretty long boring stretches of weather For example today at my house we had a couple garden variety storms nothing to write home about. I caught a storm roughly 13 miles wnw of my house and had some 3/4 in hail with winds gusting to est. 70mph for a good 5 straight mintues with lots of tree and powerline damage and some structural. Almost the entire western third of my county is without power. So 10-15 miles made the difference between a run of the mill storm and probably the worst storm in the immediate area in about 4 years.
  7. Holland mi gusts to 72mph on hourly ob
  8. And it woule be a very high impact event since this will be with trees in full leaf out vs the typical late season bare tree type event
  9. Covid, murder hornets,riots what the hell might as well throw in a november like bomb in june to the list of 2020 accomplishments.
  10. Not everyday do you see the gfs showing a 970mb low just north of lake superior in june...
  11. Went from turning the heat off to putting the ac on in about 10 days over here.
  12. Video from youtube of edenville dam failure on wixom lake. Sanford lake dam likely to fail next major evacuations underway in midland mi Wixon lake is/was about 2000 acres and had depths to 40 feet
  13. Yeah but michigan is killing it in the lake shore flood warning category.....
  14. Rifle river next door in arenac county broke its record that has been on the books since 1950. Its almost 2 feet higher then the previous record.
  15. I think that is feet above sea level. The river raisen in monroe county has a gage like that as well
  16. The old state of emergency and shelter in place order ended today but she needed the state legislature approval before getting to extend it. They gave her through the end of the month bur she wanted 70 more days. Some people feel this has led to the crackdown on many activities, almost her telling everyone since i didnt get what i wanted im not letting anyone get what they want. It really has stirred up alot of people, caused a lot of confusion, and overall just adds to the current horrible atmosphere the state is in right now On tuesday there is an actual protest planned at the capital over the new orders. Protest and social distancing dont go hand n hand so i dont see it ending well if people go through with it
  17. Recall petitions are flying left and right in michigan today against govener whitmer after continuing the stay at home order and adding to it that people are no longer allowed to use any boats that are powered by a motor. Also all stores have to close off non essential merchandise areas til the end of April. This includes greenhouse and graden center which has many people upset about not able to get garden plants
  18. as a chaser and or spotter your doing a public service by helping the nws know of hazards to life and property during svr weather so would some be considered essential?
  19. Flint mi now has a city wide 9pm-6am curfew for 30 days
  20. I hope we dont see as we get into hot/humid weather more heat related illnesses and deaths from people who had the virus and have some lingering issues with lung function or just there health in genreal.
  21. Just reading and listening to people locally its clear the most are currently using the "i heard from a friends mothers cousin" method of getting information about what is happening. The amount of rumor, sensationalism, and flat out lies being spread around right now is just ridiculous and only causes more stress and anxiety for an already worn out population. So far my county hasn't had a confirmed case but lets face it most places by now are probably going to have people infected even if they are not showing symptoms. My shop still working because we make parts for essential industries. Hours have been cut to 40hrs from nearly 60 the previous week however. Im glad to be working yet to provide a distraction from the stuff above.
  22. Thats a great question. The essential workers are going to become more susceptible to illness as long hrs and contiuned stress of the job put a strain on them. Those who may have to "lockdown" for a time, what happens to there mental health? Cabin fever on steroids coupled with the constant news of more cases and deaths, not to mention loss of income,are we looking at a jump in suicides? Just a lot of unknowns out there right now
  23. Its even more important for the public to understand that since the classic idea of tornado weather to many is hot and humid, not the first warm day of spring in the 60s to 70 type weather.
  24. Euro has 12 inches of snow by Thursday, at 0 degrees next sunday morning, and by Tuesday morning mid 50s.
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