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  1. Did you stop by? Otherwise, no.
  2. Oaks here went from green to yellow to brown. Maples were the only ones to produce any colors.
  3. My point couldn’t be proven better.
  4. What happened to the 5 post option? Way too many posters here need to be put on it.
  5. This is why I tagged Randy. It’s obvious reading through the banter thread that there are posters who are there to just make a mockery of the situation. B Maybe I’m off base here, but shouldn’t banter should be for those of us no that don’t fully understand the terminology used in the main thread and have questions regarding their personal situations.
  6. Take it somewhere else. I have family members trying to make life changing decisions based on posts here.
  7. Sorry, was never my intention to call out the mods here. My comment was targeted to the shitheads that find it amusing to downplay the current situation. My bad if I didn’t express my feelings better.
  8. Banter threads are still accessible to the general public.
  9. I hear you, but this is still on the wxside where I sent family members to educate themselves on their situation, only to see this shitshow! OT is members only and they have no access to it, but banter threads are accessible to everyone. I’m disappointed to have to point this out.
  10. The banter thread is a useless waste of bandwidth at this point. I totally understand people’s frustration over asking questions in the main thread to be told to take it to “banter” only to be ridiculed by the clowns that are unbelievably still aloud to post here! @stormtracker
  11. Just shut the fuck up already! Go jerk yourself off somewhere else!
  12. Find something else to spend your free time on, please!
  13. I can't even imagine what you're going through! Hoping for the best for your son!!
  14. This deserves two reactions, lol & agree.
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