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About Castaway

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    Chicago, ill

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  1. Feeling the cool down. Moisture was piping right til it got here half hr ago. Took a quick walk to get some beers and heard the sirens. Definitely felt beefy with a rolling barrage coming in.
  2. Wonder what the pressure readings are on Petit Martinique. Should be dropping fast right now.
  3. Hurricane Beryl is enjoying the depths by the Guiana Basin. It’ll pick up obviously as it approaches the islands. Currently where this beast popped up has depths of 4000 meters, or just east of it. Also according to wiki: “The beaches on the southern margin are important hatching grounds for the vulnerable Leatherback sea turtle, with the region supporting the largest Leatherback nesting area in the world.[13] [13]” Luckily for them it’s north and moving west of them. The newly discovered large oil field isn’t far from there also.
  4. Interestingly new development popped ahead of it to its southeast right afterwards.
  5. Went to go for a quick night time bike ride to the store and enjoy the cicadathon ambiance around etc. Then quickly started coming across huge Cicada spots under the street lights ahead everywhere. I was like what the. Put the bike back. And walked instead. They’re everywhere. Seen a bunch new ones still climbing everywhere unhatched/hatching etc. Definitely been pitching past days. Neighborhood is a few hairs away getting swamped with them everywhere. With a possible call for a state of emergency. Like a cicada blizzard. Residents trapped and having to call in work with a margarita in hand and while the brooding that has unearthed upon us is buzzing and mating away ok I’m done
  6. Personally I love em. The ones here in dupage are the 17 year ones. At night, it’s the females I think that make clicking sounds. They remind me of little frogs in trees etc, that adds a rare ambiance around. Where as it would be quiet and boring imo. They also are a natural soil aerator. I’m guessing lawns/gardens around are going to be lush as ever. Older trees is where the main breeding grounds are I noticed. And there’s a few big ones around the lot that are complete nesting grounds. Yesterday, I went outside and sat by the smoker/grill thinking to do barbecue. And just sat there talking to a friend on the phone and barely heard him. Just in awe. They also get to a pitch where the buzzing is so loud and concentrated that it creates a background howl. Last week when I walked outside and first noticed it, I thought there was some electrical sounding alarm that was going off on some storefront or something in the distance. Insect wise, they’re probably my favorite. Don’t bite or cause havoc. Only the sheer volume can be somewhat annoying at times. Definitely rather have them around over mosquitoes etc.
  7. Ready 2 b shelved One of the memorable shelf clouds I saw was in Schaumburg 10 years ago that rolled in the morning also. I wasn’t expecting it walking outside lol. Was in awe. Looked like a long ufo. Dark front with glacierish teal hues behind it etc.
  8. The initial wording in the Tornado watch on the iOS weather app caught my eye Severity: Extreme Extraordinary threat to life or property
  9. Seems like a break in the howling now. Was constant in the background for a bit.
  10. Glad it came back. Power is still down here in Oak Brook. Going to check the outage map. Hopefully gets up soon. Branches and everything are weighted down. Winds are howling.
  11. Power just went out in the neighborhood. Damn it. Hopefully it gets back up within the hour
  12. Oak Brook here. Mental alarm hit earlier than normal. Passed out early last night. Awesome rates past hr. Everything looks plastered. Told my gf yesterday that it wasn’t going to start til later on in the day today. Whoops. Text her good morning and no response yet. (sips coffee) I’m just going to stick my guns and say this isn’t even the main event yet/just some freakish frontal that passed through etc
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