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Posts posted by BRSno

  1. 14 hours ago, TauntonBlizzard2013 said:

    Is it me or has this winter been horrendous for sickness? I’ve been out of work since Monday with what was diagnosed as the stomach flu, and have shown virtually no improvement since.

    Was planning on going back today but fever is still pushing 103 and can’t keep anything down.


    Been trying to get over something for the last 3 days (not sure if it is allergies/sinus/cold/flu/bug/what). Just adds to an already awesome winter

  2. 5 hours ago, Whineminster said:

    I think about moving there every day......nice severe and canes.. Nice weather and nice women.   Where abouts in FLA USA? 


    3 hours ago, Sn0waddict said:

    At least you were here for an epic time for snow. After all the years of KU’s I imagine we could be entering a bit of a dry spell for while. 

    Moving to FLL. I was definitely lucky enough to be here from 06" - 19", and that includes some epic years, along with our all time ever. 06-07 was funny cause I had no real comparison, so it didn't seem so bad. I remember being 19 and waking up at 3am to watch the flakes, and having no idea that this disease was common lol. But it is a little sad to leave on this note, with 5" to the season on 2/13

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