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Everything posted by kevin1927

  1. Saw a post earlier in the main thread complaining about the government "hype" and implying a conspiracy theory about posts getting deleted. Glad they cleaned it up. You would think a weather forum of all places would be free from that idiotic crap.
  2. Found this old Hurricane Andrew VHS a while back in a deceased relative's collection.
  3. Coming down at a good clip and sticking now. Yay.
  4. We got absolutely crushed with rain and wind in Revere. That was fun.
  5. That was a fun one. Couple of close strikes. One really close.
  6. Absolute dud of an event for BOS metro. Less than an inch in Revere. A little more up at Lynn Woods yesterday.
  7. Yep. Thought it was flipping here in Revere a little while ago, but still mainly rain.
  8. 6" of paste in the BOS area with some house shaking gusts and I'll be happy.
  9. Looked nice for about 20 minutes around 2am lol.
  10. Sheet rain currently in Lynn/Saugus under lighter echoes. Meanwhile, whitening up at home in Revere.
  11. https://photos.app.goo.gl/FZ6YwCDJbr2kRDN49 Heavier snow shower at Lynn Woods.
  12. Heaviest snow of the storm now in the Boston area. Woo hoo!
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