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Everything posted by oconeexman

  1. Here's your convective snow band of the year! Kansas 15 mile wide swath of over a foot!
  2. Lol I'll be in Syracuse next week..I'll post pics! All in all this winter was a C+ or a B- here. Had a big overperformer of 4+" with not even an advisory until 2" was on the ground. Got to see some more fall on 2 different occasions.
  3. Meh another rain maker then more cold. Weak disturbance 29th-1st that has possibilities. Looks like some decent upslope for the mountain folks coming up. Long range def has some cold air shots though. Was hoping to see another before I hit the road in March for work. But will see some snow on the banks of Lake Ontario for sure!
  4. Yea that doesnt happen often for sure! Enjoy it down in LA
  5. Still an ugly old mix here..literally snowing all around me..even in Anderson
  6. Good for you turd...lol No congrats really...hopefully Mack gets some as well
  7. Same here..best flakes yet and I'd say 60/40 snow
  8. Nice...hopefully your area can complete the changeover. It been a battle here for over an hour. Almost .3" qpf down the gutters. Although all indications were I was screwed from the get go
  9. Man it wants to switch over bad here but dont think it will. Got a lot of flakes mixed in now..back and forth. Wish I didnt like this crap but I do
  10. I know this is a wierd one hear. Now getting some sloppy flakes mixing in
  11. Got a nice mixed bag here now..I hooked up some of that cold at the state line and drug it down the hill with me. 38 deg currently
  12. You will appreciate this..drove up to fish hatchery..solid mix from Last Chance up. When I got to cherry hill was 32 deg and all sleet..crazy
  13. 39 and all rain..gonna take a ride and find it
  14. This one is a kick in the gut...punished for the last over performer I guess! I'd expect u to changeover before noon at your elevation though.
  15. Currently snowing fine clear flakes...nope that's rain 43.5 and crappy..these never work out here and virtually no model has it working out here. But man I'm pulling for some good peeps on here that deserve it and have been left out this year!!
  16. Lord I hope the Hrrr scores on this one..to watch it rain all day will be painful
  17. Thanks burrel2 for your thoughts. Nam has been on a roll here but I'm rooting against parts of it's over amped solution!
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