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Everything posted by Skivt2

  1. Not enough orange cones and police tape to mark the road hazards even days after the storm in granby/East granby/simsbury. A total war zone for sure.
  2. 6 days without power. Streets impassible. National guard driving up and down cul=da-sacs. Driving miles to get gas for the generator. No thanks. We were at killington for opening weekend. I watched the thread and saw my entire area lose power on the eversouse site. I waited until we had gotten about an hour or two of skiing in on Sunday before I told my husband that we needed to leave, go to Home Depot in Rutland and buy the generator, five 5 gallon gas cans, batteries and electric cords. We stopped in Ludlow for easy food like sandwich meat, bread, tuna etc. Hit gas stations and filled the heavy Chevy (36 gallon tank) and filled the 25 gallons in cans on the way back too. Nothing like driving into a disaster area knowing you are going to be living there for a while. It was cold. No heat, no water, no phone, no electricity, no cable. By day 2 the cell phone towers were dead. You could see how things could get weird real quick in a worse disaster. And of course that was all right on the heels of the Irene disaster n VT only two months earlier. Good times. Not looking for a repeat of that on top of what we have going right now with the virus and the election.
  3. Cape Cod worked it out and stayed green on VT’s quarantine through out summer tourist season with no travel restrictions. I think Vermont should be able to figure this out. Seriously.
  4. Sure. I have an appointment at VT DMV as I’m considering changing my license and my car registration. I have a year long apartment lease and a renters policy. I have enough to prove residency should I chose to do that. If I move to VT on 11/25 what is the deal? My pass is still locked because I lived in CT when they mailed the pass. Seriously. Like I actually could just become a VT resident. Then what? And then what would CT do? Any idea how hard CT will fight to prevent you from changing your domicile because they want your income tax? If I make the move and it’s an issue VT and CT can fight it out in court. This whole thing is f’d up.
  5. I’m paying $11,000 a year for an apartment in VT that I am moving to just before thanksgiving after quarantining and I am planning to stay there until at least January 26th. By November I will have paid 8 months for nothing but the privilege of moving there for two months since I have only been there 3 nights since 4/1. I need to get some of my stuff. Yes I quarantined...don’t even go there. So help me god, if they lock my pass, I will sue them for discrimination.
  6. I would have to do the same. I work for a Fortune 500 company. 30k employees working from home. Have to get permission to go to our office building ie questionnaire and manager permission etc.
  7. A well known musician in the Ludlow area just went on some kid of cross country vacation driving and is now back in Ludlow complaining loudly on his private FB page about all the out of staters Disregarding quarantine. The thing is, if you work from home like millions do right now it’s fairly easy. We headed up to VT a few weeks ago to check in our place and get some warm clothes since all our warm clothes were there. I had not left our property in two weeks so had quarantined. Sadly I did nothing special. I just don’t have much reason to leave the house these days. My husband went with me and just stayed in the condo and studied so he quarantined in VT. We were there three days. I went to the post office and up to the mountain to get my 100 day hat for skiing over 70 days last year. We did not go to a gas station or buy food etc. We completely were in compliance. If my husband broke quarantine he would get kicked out of his program which took 3 yeas to get into. But we are allowed to go to VT and when we get back to CT he can go his stuff no problem because you don’t have to quarantine in CT after visiting VT. We did not break any rules.
  8. I do see it on FB pages beyond Killington based ones as well. And folks I know have been screamed at in general store parking lots and told to “Go home”. One friend just got married and moved in with her VT husband but still has a MA plate. She got screamed at 3 miles from her house. Another friend was living in Vermont all last year with her VT resident boyfriend with a North Carolina plate and also had a person walk right up to her and scream at her to go home. She was within 5 miles of their home. it’s really a shame this is happening. Hopefully confrontations like this do not become physical. Honestly, for what it is worth, you guys are different than the average internet group. For all the teasing that goes on here it’s a pretty good natured empathetic group with a lot of constructive discussion and information. I do appreciate that. I guess I do fall in the category that sees what is on FB and thinks the country is a shit show. I’ve always sort of felt people smile in your face but say what they really think when they are online. I hope I’m wrong and you guys are right that the incidents I am aware of and the posts are just a small group of jerks and are not a representative sample. Hopefully there will actually be a ski season. All these tools complaining loudly on FB about out of staters coming this winter without quarantining are going to get the ski areas shut down. They are making a lot of noise and making it seem like a terrible problem even if it is not. Politicians respond to that sort of pressure because they worry about perception.
  9. Here is a full on example of this BS. On this thread the general opinion repeated over and over is that people with out of state plates and out of state drivers license should not be allowed to ski in Vermont this year. There are already 85 comments. I see the thread is being followed by representatives from Stowe and Jay. NOT ONE person is defending the idea that people with out of state plates or Drivers licenses who work from home may be living in VT this winter for significant periods of time. So what, I can quarantine at home no problem for 14 days then move to VT for 8 weeks but my pass will be turned off because I had it mailed to my CT address in October. Do these people have any idea how hard it is to change your state of domicile from CT even if you are there less than 183 days a year??? I certainly think anyone with the idea they can ski in VT a few weekends here and there with an ICON pass needs to change their expectations about how well they will be received in VT this winter. I don’t understand how several of you in VT posting here have claimed not to know this is going on.
  10. Just because you have not heard of it does not mean it had not happened. My Aunt and Uncle’s friend had their out of state car vandalized. These are rational adults in their 70’s who would not make something up. I had several friends screamed at general stores. I have been confronted as to why I was in Vermont by a guy who does maintenance in our complex. You have green plates. It’s like telling someone from a minority group that there is no such thing as racism because you have never experienced it. I don’t think it’s really the ski area people as much as everyone else. Let’s face it, the Burlington area is a bit more cosmopolitan than central VT. The woodchucks are not liking seeing all the flatlanders coming up from infected areas. Here is a relatively tame quote just yesterday:. The existing locals vs out of stater bad vibes are there whether you want to admit it or not. There is a ton of “territorial” “I have a right to be here and you do not”. I only bring it up because there are folks who think it will be all fine to ignore Vermont quarantine rules because it’s not enforced by authorities. Like PF is saying........people need to understand the situation and not have expectations that everything will be normal. I keep bringing this up to help people who may be reading this thread. I’m just stating a fact that people should be aware of before they visit Vermont. You guys keep negating my experience which is not helpful. I’m not looking to argue with anyone about this. If you want to joke around and act like I’m making it up fine. But I think folks who read this thread, who don’t spend much time in Vermont and may be planning on Vermont being a super place to visit this winter, should know the undercurrent of hostility to out of staters has gotten worse in Vermont since Covid hit. It is what it is. It’s something visitors have to deal with.
  11. Just be ready to sign a legal document that you quarantined when you go to VT. And be prepared for people in VT to assume you did not quarantine even if you did. I expect that if there are massive numbers of weekender skiers and cases start spiking in Vermont there will be some unpleasant confrontations between those with green plates and those with other colored plates. People up there have been very vocal this summer about wanting people from out of state to stay away. I’m sure they will become more vocal and act more vigilante as The virus spikes and ski tourism spikes. We are moving to Vermont for part of November, December and January. We plan to change our plates which is going to be a big hassle but hopefully it will allow us to be comfortable and safe from any confrontations or vandalism while we are living there. We are fortunate to live trailside so we have our own private base lodge. That said, it would not surprise me in the least to see the whole thing shut down. Don’t be the reason we lose our season.
  12. I do agree and, as you said, our society is full of inequity which results in these things. It’s one reason why it is so hard to deal with the VT quarantine as a rule following CT resident. I live in east granby near the notch in the top of CT. We have had so few cases and I work from home, avoid people, and wear a mask in places it seems prudent like getting gas. But my county has Hartford, East Hartford, Manchester, Bloomfield and they have lots of cases. I feel like I’m shut out unnecessarily. I miss my VT home. I have not been there since late May. The worst part is that I see people in VT say how smart the rules are in VT. But people like me could go there safely both because we don’t come in contact with the virus in CT and more importantly because we are responsible people.
  13. Blue Lange 110SC’s, so no changing out the toe and heel in those suckers. They are pretty thin. I have the same exact boot with about 50 days on them but which are not quite as perfect as the old ones. I cheat and have bindings mounted with those. That’s more of a “do as I say not as I do” sort of thing. So far so good with no pre-releases. They come off when they should.
  14. My advice to someone only skiing a couple times a year is to spend all your equipment budget on a pair of ski boots fit to your feet properly. Most bootfitters will be able to set you up properly and adjustments to tweak the fit are generally complimentary. You can’t just buy a random pair of boots in your street shoe size. Ski boots don’t fit like street shoes. They should fit like a cast you might wear if you broke your whole foot so that any movement in your foot or lower leg will transfer to your ski properly. Personally my ski boots are two full sizes smaller than my street shoe. I have my bootfitter make them bigger via heating punching the plastic etc where the hot spots are. Boots do not wear out fast. My ski boots have easily 400-500 ski days on them. Once they fit perfect you don’t want to switch because they become such an important part of your equipment. You dont want used boots that have fit the form of someone else’s foot. Your foot will be all sloppy in there. You can rent/demo skis and figure out what you like in skis. Or just rent the latest thing in skis each year. Truth be told, most serious skiers have a quiver of skis because different conditions call for different skis....powder, ice, crud etc call for different skis. When you rent demos the shop can set you up with the right ski for the location and conditions that day.
  15. I totally get that. For years I spent all the daylight hours when I was in CT in the office in Hartford. And I rarely looked out the window there and never went outside I never saw my CT house in daylight except occasional mornings all winter. But then I would spend Thursday-Monday at Pico at 2,000 feet with lots of time outside and near windows during daylight in a big snow area. I love snow. I’m a total snow weenie. But I seriously felt like it really did not mater whether It snowed at my house in CT. I’m my brain I lived in deep snow country. That was my native culture. Living in the northern Greens would be even better of course.
  16. Killington/Pico has published their approach to the season: https://www.picomountain.com/plan-your-trip/getting-here/2021-winter-experience?utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=KT-Schuss091020 (1)&utm_content=&spMailingID=43426579&spUserID=NDk5NDk2MTc1NzUwS0&spJobID=1840909387&spReportId=MTg0MDkwOTM4NwS2 No early season Northridge/stairs. They will wait until they can do T2B. They expect 11/14/20 with pass holders only for a while. They plan to do parking reservation to limit guests. Should be interesting for those of us that live at Pico where our condo parking is in the big ski area lot. My parking reservations better be 24/7 with no questions asked for Pico. They go on to say that the priority is skiing and people should plan not to use the lodges.
  17. Such awesome discussion here. I think there is this almost universal feeling that where we are as a society is bad with the “us vs them”. Yet we don’t seem to be able to stop it.
  18. “Taking it personally” implies that I think the things they say about nonlocals are specifically aimed at me. That’s not my issue. I’m pissed that they are xenophobic and are stereotyping everyone who’s legal permanent residence is not there, into the same “evil tourist” category. There is a huge population of part time residents who pay taxes and are part of the community. A huge rift is forming between these two groups.
  19. Just on Monday terrible things happened involving tourists from out of state: 1) people filmed two cars from MA illegally filling a dumpster they had no right to use. There was a video. 2) a beloved dog was hit and killed by a car that was driven by a teenager with her parents in an out of state car in front of the dogs family in broad daylight. They backed up, picked up the bumper of their car, said, “at least it was not a person”. And then they drove away without even stopping to talk to the family and express any remorse. 3) A killington employee was mowing the lawn by the Skyship and someone threw a full beer can from their out of state car and hit the guy in the head. 4) a guy wrote on similar forum to this that is “Killingtoncentric” how he and his friends Came up and went mountain biking this past weekend from a quarantine place and then went out partying and no one stopped them so the quarantine is a joke. 5) the outbreak went public And that’s just one day. According to folks in town, every place they usually have to themselves in the summer is full of people with out of state plates, littering and trashing the place and disregarding social distancing and masks. Supposedly the place fills up on weekends and empties out on Sunday same as always.
  20. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/08/31/nation/party-vermont-ski-lodge-led-covid-19-outbreak/?s_campaign=coronavirusnow:newsletter yep...this is what I was talking about Sunday.
  21. No one talks about me on those groups and I don’t talk on them either. Like I said community pages are a source of useful information. Duh......Things like a town meeting on a zoning change that effects you. New hours at the dump. What new business is moving into XYZ store front or which one is going out of business. Where/when are the Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts selling Xmas trees/cookies this year. What town elder just passed away. When’s the grange turkey dinner this year? Someone is selling just the elliptical you use at the gym only for really cheap, yay. How many more examples do I need to give you so you understand why reading community pages makes sense? Unfortunately these pages often reveal the attitudes of the people in town to political/controversial topics. I can say many people at Killington think anyone not from there are scum. It is what it is.
  22. It’s locals and they are all trying to figure out how to blame someone. But I predicted that would happen months ago.
  23. Sure. But all that $ you paid in for SS all your life....Kiss it all of it goodbye. Your not getting anything and your parents/grandparents.....they are moving in with you because their checks stop next year. For good.
  24. Manufacturing sucks. My husband was a high precision CNC machinist for 30 years. Automation and recessions reduced the # of jobs and stagnated wage growth so most machinists get raises like .12 an hour per year etc. The job is somewhat dangerous and high stress. You stand up on hard cement floors 10 hours a day breathing god knows what chemicals with not even a stool to perch on occasionally. And you do that for 6-7 days a week. In VT you might get $16/hour. On top of that there is virtually no security as companies lay off and rehire to keep wages down as contracts ebb and flow. In the old days you might run 1-2 machines. Now it’s 3-4 where you are litterally running back and forth all day. No time to sit for a second if you wanted to. And they expect you to inspect the parts and debur them too as if somehow there is time for that. God forbid you get everything running and have a second to spare there is no relaxing. Grab a broom and sweep. All while drilling on parts worth hundreds of thousands made of the hardest metals known; inconell, waspalloy, and shit that can catch fire like titanium using ceramic and metal drills that can shatter and kill you or someone standing nearby. They will tell you you can have Saturday/Sunday off but once you are there for a few months they change their tune and demand those days too. Sure lots of overtime. You can make decent money but it’s no life.
  25. It’s a source of both community information and sometimes community BS. Have any of you heard about the Killington outbreak? Probably not. It’s being called “Rutland county” outbreak if you hear any news at all. I know It’s an outbreak at Killington caused by a 50th birthday party with locals, regulars (like me usually) and possibly employees because I am staying in touch with what is going on in the community by reading the community FB pages. I read the ones for my town in CT and my town on the Cape as well. Those pages are full of helpful community information such as fund raising events, tag sales, town meeting issues, discussions about town ordinances and budgets, etc etc. You can’t tell me none of you read your community pages for these things. The comment about locals and masks was in a comment about the Virus outbreak. Honestly, as a person with a residence in the town, news about a potential virus outbreak in town seems like relevant news that I need to stay on top of, no? The politics and culture of a town are often reflected on their community pages. The fact that the culture there, in a community I belong to, has become somewhat toxic at times, in and of itself honestly seems relevant as “community news”. I mean you just moved to Randolph, NH. So I’m sure understanding the pulse of the community there is important to you. We made a 7 year plan 4.5 years ago to move permanently to the Killington area and we are still in transition. Knowing what is going on there seems relevant to me. Our plan has us selling in CT and buying in VT in the spring of 2023.
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