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Everything posted by Skivt2

  1. Felt in Plymouth, VT. Really shook a lot for a while. No question what it was. Came here to see if others felt it.
  2. Power flickering repeatedly in the hills of Plymouth, VT. Couple inches of very wet snow and no sign of letting up. IMG_5956.HEIC
  3. Last year Killington received snow clearance based on potential. I’m pretty sure I heard that 4’ of snow on superstar is a 3 day effort. If temps are cold by 11/24 they have it in the bag. May not happen next year because of the chair replacement and spring skiing will be different and shorter this year.
  4. Is saddleback on Indy? I thought I remembered that. Anyway, we used to buy Killington 365 which gave us an Icon base with our Killington pass. We don’t mountain bike or golf much. We live in Plymouth so it’s about 13 minutes to the Killington Skyship from our house. We ended up not really even using Icon to go to Sugarbush much as we have been total homebodies lately. My dad is 81 and when he goes Skiing he likes Okemo these days. Okemo opens with better conditions lately then Killington given the focus Killington has on the World Cup early season. Okemo is 20 minutes or less from our house. Finally, the 365 upgrade was costing us about the same as the midweek northeast values pass. So though I really can’t see myself skiing an Epic mountain on a weekend, we picked up the midweek epic for a little over $400 each to ski early season a couple times, meet up with my dad, and maybe take a few spins in the afternoon on a few weekdays randomly. The bonus is having 5 tickets to Stowe midweek in case we get adventurous.
  5. What do folks have for passes? We have Indy, Epic Northeast midweek value passes and Killington passes. Hopefully it’s a good year because two of each of those set me back a few $’s.
  6. It’s August 1st and that means it’s time to start thinking about ski season!
  7. It’s not the safe place to escape climate change that many people perceive it is. Vermont is scary from a flash flood perspective. Growing up in CT I was used to gradually rising river flooding and ponding water. The shocking unpredictably and fast impacts of mountain flooding is something completely different.
  8. Sorry. I feel for you guys. We had a bad day a year ago down here in the Killington/Ludlow area. We just got our grocery store back last week. It’s sucked living 45 minutes from a grocery store for a year but so many people suffered through so much more as houses flooded and businesses were ruined. It’s going to. Be tough tomorrow. Hopefully no loss of life.
  9. Completely agree. I live in Plymouth, VT on 100A. We lost our grocery store in Ludlow on 7/10/23. It’s been a 45 minute drive one way to Rutland for groceries for the past year. House almost flooded. Route 100 was devastated as were roads around Killington. Hurricane Irene did a number of the same area as well. I do worry about the number of trees that will come down and the ensuing weeks without power when 1938 comes back.
  10. I’d save your worrying for two things; a devastating ice storm or a devastating hurricane. Research 1938 for a good idea of what has happened in the last 100 years. When the big hurricane comes it’s going to lights out for a long time around here.
  11. Honestly all that means is there is some minuscule chance of a tiny bit of rotation in the clouds. The chance of you even seeing a tornado trying to form up in the clouds over in New England let alone being impacted by one is so small that the change of winning mega millions is probably higher.
  12. Last week is about as hot as it gets and it does not last too long. From July 1-august 15th is our hot period. Most of central VT spends a good deal of time on Cape Cod, Rhode Island, Maine coast and the northern New England mountains during those 6 weeks. I grew up in central CT and it’s a ghost town during the first two weeks of August. If you can, take a day or a weekend in RI or Cape Cod. The National seashore beaches on the Cape look a bit like the outer banks without the development. It’s gorgeous and temps are usually 10 degrees cooler and it’s usually breezy.
  13. Wow! Shadows of light dancing across the clear starry sky in our front yard in Plymouth VT a few minutes ago. No color really that I could see or photograph. Just large dancing beams of light. Earlier lots of green and reds through the breaks in the clouds when I took pictures. I’ve always wanted to see it. We are at 1100 feet with mountains and trees in the way of the horizon but the sky has been lit up to the north all evening.
  14. I don’t want this to come off as discrediting anything you said as I know how powerful the feeling is when a mountain community comes together to celebrate itself. There is nothing like it. But today was simply stellar at Killington. And I’m sure at Stowe too but I’m sort of sad for the Stowe faithful that the lifts are not turning anymore There is something so completely satisfying to have lift served skiing until, and even beyond, when the last trail is no longer top to bottom. Like every last drop of the winter has been wrung out and used up. We still have 5-6 weeks of lift served skiing depending on how you count the days and if the June 1st weekend happens. The pile on top of Superstar does not seem to have really started melting yet. Today we harvested the corn from the two night freeze up in 60 degree bluebird skies with no crowd at all. It’s hard to describe the stoke level at the big K today. The spring people are all gathering, the tailgate and house party scene is just beginning. It is the most magical time of the year.
  15. Unbelievable amounts of snow. A good 4” fell after this. Did not measure but had to be over two feet at 4pm.
  16. Absolute pound town all day at Killington. Unfortunately the pass claimed yet another victim. The state needs to do something as we are having a fatality a month on rt 4. This time a car lost control headed east down the mountain and hit a bus head on which careened into the woods. Around 5:30 we were looking at an inch an hour with it having snowed all day. Well over a foot since Sunday night here.
  17. She is on a paved road off Millstone a few streets from 137. Does not lose power often. She’s worried now. I think it’s probably fine. She could just drive back to CT on Sunday I suppose.
  18. I told my 79 year old mom it was ok to ride the storm out a couple miles inland in Brewster, MA. If she looses power for days she is not going to be happy with me.
  19. It’s just different. The road from Rt. 4 to the Bear mountain parking lot has been closed since 7/7/23.
  20. Constant lightning, biblical rains falling now.one the most intense storms I have ever experienced.
  21. In Plymouth, vt on 100A. Very ominous. Dark with lightning and off and on torrential rain. We already had our flood on the 10th.
  22. I hope so. I work full time so I struggle to get into the 100 day club unless they are open super early.
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